Reflecting on 2022 & Looking Ahead to 2023 #IWSG

For this month’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group post, it asked if we had a word for 2022 and if we have a word for 2023. I’ve heard of this sentiment before, but I’ve never fully embraced the idea.

For 2022, it’s been a different sort of year. I nearly forgot I started out getting COVID-19 really bad in late January/early February. I hope and pray not to get the same sort of start to 2023. A family member lost his job towards the latter half of the year, but I pray he gets a job soon this new year.

As for writing, one of my flash fiction pieces will be published in 2023. I’m continuing to submit and this year surpassed the 200 submission mark since tracking the last few years.

I recently stopped doing a monthly gig that included compiling submission opportunities. It was a paying gig, but more time-consuming than I realized until I did the whole thing in one sitting. I feared, though, but not doing this gig anymore that I would submit less (kind of the positive effect of doing this has been as I look for submissions for others, I submit my own stuff). So, to combat that concern, I’ve been making more thoughtful choices for submitting my work. So far, I’ve found some good literary magazines to send my stories to.

I’ve also started a scripture reflection blog! It’s called Notes on Scripture and I’d love some new followers. As I read through the Bible, I write down thoughts on what I’ve read. Because of this deeper reflection into scripture, it’s already helped me understand parts of the Bible better.

Creatively, I’ve had a rocky year. I hope to pick up a new writing habit in 2023, but…I’m definitely taking it one day at a time. I’m also hoping to do more work on revising my stories. I also haven’t been reading as much this year, too. Part of it has been my freelance work and I’m hoping to have less of my time taken up by that stuff in 2023. We’ll see.

What has your year been like in 2022? What do you hope for in 2023? Do you choose a word of the year?

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10 thoughts on “Reflecting on 2022 & Looking Ahead to 2023 #IWSG

  1. I finally got over my fear and learned to do Amazon ads last year. That helped revive my author biz bigtime. This year, my goal is to keep up them momentum and get at least one book written and published. We’ll see…

    Welcome to IWSG. 🙂

  2. That’s great that you’re giving up some of your freelance work that’s making it harder for you to have enough time for your own writing. I hope you have a productive year.

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