Reflecting on My Years of Blogging #IWSG

Well, I just had to reply to this question by the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. They asked:

 How long have you been blogging (or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram)? What do you like about it and how has it changed?

Can you believe I started blogging in June 2011? I was inspired after spending time on Twitter back in 2010. That social media network was THE place to promote your blog and I saw countless posts on there sharing their own blogs. I wanted to have my own! So, upon graduating from college, I started World of My Imagination.

This was one of my first posts. I think I had more before that but I recently cleaned up my early days of blogging, so that’s the only one I still have from those very early days. I used to write a lot about what inspired me to write and my specific journey. The days of blogging in 2011 through the mid/late 2010s were very active. It was the best time to be a blogger. So many people were writing blogs and supporting others! It wasn’t nearly as splintered as you see today. I got a lot of my followers from the Writer’s Digest community boards when those were active. I was even doing an active weekly writing prompt that caught a lot of attention!

However, by 2013/2014, my blog changed. My life changed, so I wasn’t blogging as much. Slowly, I lost some of the more dedicated followers and readers. Even blogging itself changed. It wasn’t as popular, and social media became more splintered.

I have had many blogs over the years, including a product review blog and an unemployment blog. Neither really felt as much of an inspirational place for me. I have kept up World of My Imagination, though. I don’t have the kind of followers and readers I used to, but I’ve always felt like this is my digital home for my writing journey and book reflections.

I’d love to know about your blogging journey! When did you start? How has it changed?

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8 thoughts on “Reflecting on My Years of Blogging #IWSG

  1. I started blogging in 2011 too. I agree that blogging was much more popular and fun back then. I have a mission to help writers and authors through my blog so that’s helped me keep up my momentum. And I’ve found a whole new writing community through the IWSG, which I’m very grateful for.

    1. Oh I swear, IWSG has kept me engaged and going in the blogging world. I love it! I am not there yet but one day I hope to create more of a community on my blog again.

  2. Hi, Nicole! I started blogging in 2012, and I’ve been pretty consistent over the years, especially with my IWSG posts. Blogging keeps me grounded, allows me to express myself, and make friends far and wide. I don’t plan to stop anytime soon. Like you, the IWSG has kept me going. Good luck with your blogging and writing!

  3. I go back to 2011 too. Was way more fun and more people about back then indeed. Good old social media made people have the attention spans of a gnat lol but it is a journey and can be good to look back indeed. Even though I cringe at some of my old stuff.

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