woman sitting on chair while leaning on laptop

‘Tis the Season to Be Writing (Well, in Theory) #IWSG

This month’s writing challenge for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group asks whether you are more productive with writing during certain times of the year. If you can tell by my blog post title, the colder weather months are straight up the best time of year when it comes to me writing. However, this year has been incredibly different.

To dive deeper into this subject, though, usually I love the winter for writing because it sends me into a more reflective, thoughtful frame of mind. Summer (and warm spring days) feel more active to me. So, with winter chill, foggy mornings, and rainy days, I end up feeling inspired to put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard keys.

Unfortunately, 2020 has been some kind of year. Working on stories has been harder. Revising feels impossible, and I don’t have it in me to get feedback from people. So, this leaves me in a weird balance of submitting old stories that are in the ready stage, while also working on brand new drafts. I’m glad that I do occasionally feel up for that sort of writing. The first draft is a wonderful thing and is unencumbered by anyone else’s opinion but my own.

Another time of year that feels inspiring to me is early spring. I hope spring 2021 has entirely different feel to it than 2020 spring.

What time of year inspires you the most to write?

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7 thoughts on “‘Tis the Season to Be Writing (Well, in Theory) #IWSG

  1. Sadly, this seems like one of those times when WordPress just won’t let me come and play.
    Moving out to the middle of nowhere has vastly improved my productivity. That being said, getting feedback on my work is always the hardest part for me. I can’t afford a proper editor and I absolutely, positively refuse to read reviews because I don’t like being in a foul mood for weeks at a time.
    ~Cie from Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost~

  2. I feel this should be the perfect season for writing – and yet, for me, it isn’t. I want to write, but my brain goes to mush. Most frustrating. That said, 2020 hasn’t been a good year for a lot of stuff, so let’s all look forward to next year.

  3. 2021 is here and so far it feels great.
    I’m with you, terrified of getting reviews for my work – I can hardly bear to look!

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