My Favorite Writing Craft Book #IWSG

I’m back to join in on the Insecure Writer’s Support Group fun! It’s been a while since I’ve contributed. Today’s question caught my attention, though. They asked:

What is your favorite writing craft book? Think of a book that every time you read it you learn something or you are inspired to write or try the new technique. And why?

So, my favorite book for the craft of writing, specifically, is The Emotion Thesaurus. This book helps so much in identifying the emotions you are genuinely expressing in your character. I often have a collection of go-to emotions and non-verbals and this book helps me avoid those.

Now, thinking of a book that specifically inspires me is The Pocket Muse. I own TWO different versions of these books. And I love them so much. You can just flip to a page and either the words or the image can inspire you.

In terms of what else is going on in my writing world, I have not been very creatively active. Freelance work has gone very well, but…I really hope to return to my short stories this summer.

What writing book do you love?

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7 thoughts on “My Favorite Writing Craft Book #IWSG

  1. The Emotion Thesaurus is right there on my desk next to my Grammar for Grownups! I’m not much for craft books but those I DO reach for. Welcome back to the Write Side!!

  2. Hi Nicole and welcome , from Westmorland, UK, 11C , raining as usual,

    I should go back to Stephen King, ditch most of the rules, and above all, be less afraid
    Thanks for your post on quitting Blogger. Often, I find IWSG members expect comments via a Google acount.
    I gave up on gmail years ago – unable to pick up security texts – in a dead zone which still has no signal .


  3. I was traveling yesterday. Happy belated IWSG day! I LOVE the Emotion Thesaurus. I keep it right on the shelf next to my desk and refer to it constantly. Definitely a fantastic resource!

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