Okay, I can’t think of a thing to write for this letter.

For some reason this is letter is about as bad as the letter X will be for me.

I decided to put together a list of the K words I know and what I can think of writing about them.

So here we go. The best post – EVER.

K is for…Ketchup.



When I was a kid, I used to eat ketchup sandwiches. And to this day, I love ketchup – with scrambled eggs, bacon, most meats…yum.

K is for…Kramer versus Kramer


While this isn’t one of my big huge favorite movies – it’s one of my top twenty favorites. I especially love this scene with them making breakfast.

K is for Krueger as in Freddy Krueger that is.

Which I also used for my video poetry called, “The Pink Elephant.” –


K is for…Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS Method)
Valid theories or not, I also hate that expression.
Yet oddly, it seemed to work for this post!

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