Writing Reflections on How I’m Doing So Far

Insecure Writer’s Support Group had a prompt for this month about writing advice we learned from teachers that messed us up in our own writing. Honestly, the only thing that comes to mind is when my senior year English teacher was talking to our class about our futures. He said, “A lot of you will major in English and end up like me.” I’ll tell you, he didn’t say that with an encouraging or uplifting tone. Looking back, I think he felt a bit cynical about where he was in his life (don’t we all get there sometimes?). I don’t know if it messed me up in my writing, but it’s a tidbit that stayed with me.

We’re reaching the end of the summer, and I can’t tell you how glad feel about that. There have been far too many hot days.

Creative writing has taken a back seat this year. Freelance writing has become a major focus for me, and it’s been particularly rocky. I’m trying to branch out though, and I’ve begun offering podcast services to people. And I’m hoping to eventually return to digital marketing writing again, but that likely won’t happen again until closer to the end of the year.

Other progress has been made though. I made a budget sheet and now know exactly how much I need to make in freelancing to meet my income needs. I even paid off one of my credit cards recently. So, some non-writing things happened that were really important.

I also decided to move some lifestyle blog posts (that had been on a review blog I kept up) to another blog of mine. It was kind of stagnant, but I decided to return to it. Maybe I’ll do product reviews, review some random TV movies, and even share my perusings of Google Maps (I love checking out random places I’ve never been before). If you’re interested, check out LadyUnemployed.com.

I’d love to know about anything an English teacher told you that stayed with you? And how has your summer been going?

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3 thoughts on “Writing Reflections on How I’m Doing So Far

  1. Sadly, I would have to sit quietly for quite a while before I could remember any of those days. So much has happened since I left school. I always liked my English teachers. By university some of them seemed strange. LOL. Welcome to IWSG, Nicole.

  2. An English teacher with a negative attitude does sound discouraging, Nicole, especially for any aspiring writers in the class. It’s always sort-of-summer in Honolulu so I am thankful for the cooling winds year-round.

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