Saying Goodbye to 2012 – A Look Back

Let’s be honest, I’m happy to see 2012 end. This hasn’t been an easy year, to say the least. Between losing my job in February, my laptop crashing in August, and lots of family issues, this has been an extremely challenging year.

Anyways…I’m going to let my cynical self die down for a few minutes and focus on the positives.

1) I finished my fantasy novel!!!

My biggest accomplishment this year I must say! I am so proud. No, I didn’t get the chance to edit like I wanted (see note above about losing my laptop), but with my latest equipment intact, I am hoping I can change that next year.

2) Got a new job in August!

I started working again in August and I am really learning a lot in a field I enjoy. It isn’t an easy economy out there and I know I am very lucky.

3) New laptop for my birthday in December!

Downside is that I lost my free wifi. So this means I have to cough up the cash to actually buy a plan somewhere. We’ll see how that goes. But other than that, I am very happy with my Windows 8 laptop.

4) Finding new companies and tasty foods!

So far I have learned about so many new companies, tasty foods and drinks. I really enjoy this and I hope you guys do to. This has also been a wonderful way to share some goodies with my family and get their feedback, too.

5) New projects to explore for next year.

I have new writing goals for myself next year. From finishing my fantasy novel rewrite to putting on my big girl writing pants and submitting freelance articles to magazines (even guest blogging more!), not to mention a new novel idea that I am exploring. So I plan on being very busy next year (what else is new?).

I hope 2013 brings you wonderful good luck, new experiences, and if you cry any tears next year, let them be tears of joy. I wish all of my blog readers (both new, old, and gone away) a fabulous new year.

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8 thoughts on “Saying Goodbye to 2012 – A Look Back

  1. Happy New Year, Nicole, and thanks for your help when it came time to launch my novel. I wish you a great 2013! ~ Peggy

    1. Ha ha, not for some time!! Although I'll probably bug you about getting feedback latte next year! šŸ™‚

  2. Happy New year to you Nicole. I'll trade you 2012 for my 2012 anytime. With a dead computer I also bought a new one in Jan 2012. Thank God for back-ups. My husband's heart attack in Feb, his pneumonia X2 months and my stroke in May. Recovery is still ongoing. Typing my new manuscript with one hand is a trip (bad LSD kind). Deadlines now seven months overdue while I recover what I lost. That's not to mention my children or grandchildren's issues.

    But still as writers, we do what we do best…we write.

    1. I'm so sorry about what you are going through.! Luckily, we writers do develop a strong will to fight through the hard times!

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