Some Exciting News About My Book!

Celebrations of Light Finale 2007

So, if you happen to be following me on Twitter, Facebook, or GooglePlus, there is a chance you have already heard the news…

…But I am proud announce that the FIRST DRAFT OF MY NOVEL IS DONE!

Sorry, I don’t mean to shout, but I am so incredibly excited!

As you can see, I have taken down my deadline button because I am actually ahead of schedule! Plus, I’m only 10 days later than my initial deadline.

I finished the story Saturday night and it was an amazing feeling. I actually cried! To tell you the truth, it means a lot to me that this story got completed. I had started this novel when I was 15…(yes at the age of 15) and I had put so much of myself into it. But, I couldn’t go beyond Chapter 8. So, between the ages of 17 and 24 I wasn’t writing this book at all (I call those the dark ages).  But at the end of November, early December I decided it was time. I wanted to finish it. I needed to finish it.

And you know what? I did.

And I am so incredibly proud of myself.

I have a lot of work I need to get done. First of all, I need to type it (yes, I hand wrote it). See? Look there (okay a portion is typed, that spiral notebook edged paper is the handwritten part):

And since it’s a fantasy novel, there are also certain elements of the world I created that I think I need to develop a bit further. It isn’t a big enough plot hole that readers would see it right off the bat, but I’m thinking any fantasy enthusiast might wonder about it.

There are some parts of the story I know I did right, and other parts I think I need to take away or change.

So, should I have a new deadline? Well, I do have a date in mind that I would like this completed by and that is: August 3rd – 5th. Why? The Willamette Writer’s Conference in Portland! 

I mean, it may be a little soon for me… I know editing can take years depending on how much work needs to be done. But you know what?  It took me ten years to get this far with the book. I want it to just be ten years. By the time I turn 26, I want to know I have reached the next stage of my novel.

But, in the mean time? Time to celebrate!

First a victory dance:

A round of applause:

A song (of course):

Despite the work I know I have ahead of me, I am so proud to have this novel’s first draft completed!

How are you doing with your writing goals?

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20 thoughts on “Some Exciting News About My Book!

  1. Congratulations! You definitely deserve to celebrate! Thank you for taking the time to link up at the Follow Your Way Blog Hop.

    I am following you through Facebook, GFC, Networked Blogs, Twitter, Google+

  2. Congrats, Nicole!!! That is WAY exciting! You should be proud! Keep dancing, because you've accomplished something so many people haven't! And it's great to have deadlines for yourself. You can do it – look how far you've come already!

    I'm dancing with you…okay, I'm done. My hubby and dog are looking at me crazy now.

  3. Congratulations! That's a great achievement. I need to take some inspiration from you. I did a fast first draft during NaNoWriMo about six or seven years ago, and I'm stuck about a quarter of the way through the second draft. I keep telling myself it's time to bring up those files and do something with them. You should take a little time to enjoy your triumph and celebrate before thinking about the next deadline. Good luck!

  4. Congrats, Nicole! I know you are super excited and you should be. It took me 12 years to complete my degree, with working full-time and raising kids. 🙂

    Keep celebrating, you have every right!

  5. Congratulations and merriment to you! And you seriously hand-wrote it? Impressive! I can barely keep a pen in my hand for more than 5 minutes without getting writer's cramp anymore. Kudos!!

  6. Thanks Kelly! Definitely true – I will for sure be taking a break before my next stage. Although my break will probably only be a week. 🙂

  7. Thank you Vicki! Thanks for dropping by!

    KT, Party of Four – Thank you both!! I'm so excited to have completed this – I feel so relieved like a burden has been lifted!!

    @The Desert Rocks – I sure hope I am!!! I have a fear that it will come to a dead stop for me, but I keep that worry at bay!

  8. Thanks L.J.!! You are right, I do seem to do a lot better with deadlines!! My goal right now would be to have a presentable draft by June, have someone read it, and spend the rest of that time of June and July preparing it for August! Fingers are crossed!! *Thanks for the dance too!! 🙂 I'm still in victory mode!

    @Elaine – Oh I hope you return to the novel that you have worked on! It's so worth it. This story had been tormenting me for so long that I knew I couldn't grow as a writer without disciplining myself to write it. It was so worth it!!

    @UnpublishedLife – Definitely! Let the refining begin!! I hope this road is not quite as long as the last one though! 🙂


  9. Thanks Diane!! I'm glad to know someone doesn't think it's too weird that I spent so long on this draft. 🙂 And I am so glad to be done!!

    @Ashley – I know can you believe it?? I can't believe I handwrote it either!!

  10. Big congrats on finishing! Definitely revel in the joy of knowing you've done something not everyone does, and worry about editing in a couple of days. It's important to celebrate each step, I think!

  11. Congratulations! I know it is a great feeling. This is a big accomplishment. Now, good luck on the editing part! Anyway, put it away for a few days, enjoy, relax and come back refreshed before you tackle it. Take care!

  12. Thanks DL!!

    I keep reminding myself of that, Lara! I still can't believe I finished. The editing part I feel like will be my biggest challenge, but I'm still dying to complete that by June!

    Thank you Lena! I'm taking about a week break, but the next stage I plan on working on is the history of the world I create and sharpening the magic. Not so much because the plot needs it, but I just need to do it for myself. Anyways! I am definitely looking forward to the next stage!!

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