Photo Writing Prompt – Writer Wednesday Blog Hop

Welcome back everyone! This has been an amazing week and there has been so much creativity that resulted from last week’s prompt. You guys are awesome! So, make sure to check out last week‘s prompt and the great posts that resulted:

Beach of Peace  over at Lando-Loo, Where Are You?
Back to the Beach  over at The Why, The how, and the What If
Rough Tides, at Chasing Revery (my co-host!)
A New Beginning (done by me!)

And today we have another prompt ready to go for everyone! But first, a quick shout out to my awesome co-hosters – Chasing Revery and A Writer’s Muses. Make sure you check out their blogs!

As usual, here are the rules:

1) There will be one photo, and five words – both of those elements must be a feature in the brief story you create.
2) There is also a 500 word maximum.
3) You have until the next Wednesday to create your post.
4) When you have finished your post, come back here and link up below and let me (or whoever your blog host is) know in the comments that you have done so!
5) We were going to tell you to not take this too seriously, but reconsidered it because we know full well that asking writers to write something means that they will take it seriously. So, take it seriously, but don’t fret/panic/pass out/hyperventalate/lose sleep/run in fear over it.

Here’s this week’s picture (taken from this link)
And here’s this week’s five words from this link:
Oh this should be fun, I just know it. 
*NOTE* I had to delete a couple of people who just submitted links to their blog without responding to the story prompt. Please only link up when you have responded to the story prompt! 
So, when you have your story completed, post your link below:

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15 thoughts on “Photo Writing Prompt – Writer Wednesday Blog Hop

  1. Hi, I checked your blog via Bloh Hop. Your blog is lovely. I am now following your blog.

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  2. Whoa, that picture is awesome! And great words too šŸ™‚ Now I've gotta go use them…

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  3. How cool is this. Thanks for visiting me at Crazed Mind. Now I will have to see about a story…..thinking cap on.

  4. What a great idea to help get those writer juices flowing! I love it. You just got yourself a new follower.

  5. True. This is a brainstorming activity too. This would be very for the writers. If this is still ongoing, I'd glad to join. Why not? This is fun.

  6. It's great that there's so much interest. I just stopped by to say how much I've enjoyed your prompts. I've always been wary of short fiction, and this has helped to get over that and just get writing. So proud to co-host. šŸ™‚

    1. Thanks Carrie! And thank YOU so much for joining in and submitting your awesome stories! Short fiction hasn't been my strongest suit either and this has given me a wonderful chance to practice!

  7. I know I'm about two weeks late, but I just submitted a little something I wrote based on this prompt. I really enjoy the weekly writing prompts and will try to get one in on time!

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