A New Beginning (My Wednesday Creative Prompt Submission)

I rolled down the window to my old station wagon, letting
the wind whip in my face. The long drive to the beach had put Mika and Michelle
asleep in the back, with their little faces pressed against their seat belts. I
was sure to find deep indentations on their cheeks when I woke them up later.
I gripped the steering wheel tighter. Long drives like this
always make me want to fall asleep, too. I turned up the radio, letting the
voice of an old favorite sing to me as I drove along the empty road. I knew
this road well. Except this time it wouldn’t be just a stopover. This time I
was changing for good. It had taken me five years, millions of tears, a failed
marriage, and one giant leap off the diving board of life, but I had done it.
In a few months, I would be opening up my own store. A bookstore. In the heart
of a beach town.
I skipped past the next song on the CD. Before I could begin
singing the song that began to play, I noticed the sign I needed – Exit 65.
This would be the exit that would take me to my new life. Our new life.
Something we desperately needed. I turned on my signal and changed lanes. I
slowed the car down, memories of the sharp corner rolling in my mind. I usually
hated to drive like this.  Tim always
did. Every trip, he would be the driver. This time I was. The driver and the
This part of the road was covered with trees. Majestic green
pines reaching to the sky, nearly covering the bit of sunlight above me. In a
few miles, we would arrive at our new apartment – a two bedroom deal that was
only two blocks away from the ocean. I still couldn’t believe I had done
this.  The movers had two days ahead of
me, and I had given them permission to unpack the truck and put the furniture
The worn sign announcing “Blue Rock Apartments”
could be seen from a distance. I pulled into the driveway and found a spot near
the new apartment. I turned off the car and sat in silence for a moment, taking
in the new sense of peace I felt. Peace. Of course, the morning would bring new
excitement. Mika had insisted on buying a video camera, taking on his new role
of documentary film maker. I also needed to prepare the both of them for their
new school. I had arranged a tour with their teachers. Not to mention there was
still work to be done with the new store. But this would finally be a new
This was my entry to the Wednesday Photo Prompt from last week! There is still time to enter yours, so make sure you check out the post! And make sure to come by tomorrow to check out the prompt! 

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11 thoughts on “A New Beginning (My Wednesday Creative Prompt Submission)

  1. This is a very well written piece. šŸ™‚ You can definitely feel her empowerment as she moves on.

  2. Aww, I always love a new beginning. They always hold so much potential and hope. I do worry about her choice though: a bookshop. Sadly I've seen a few too many bookshops close down as of late thanks to a new era in EBooks, Amazon.com, and Book Depository. Little bookshops like hers just can't compete anymore. This is a great little story, I really enjoyed reading it.

    1. I know isn't it sad?!!! It is my own secret wish though to own a bookstore, but it's becoming less and less likely! Sigh…

  3. I love the setting of the beach. You can just feel the freshness of a new start in the air. Your character's excitement is contagious. I just want to hug her and wish her well. Lovely job, Nicole.

    1. Thank you! šŸ™‚ I'm so glad you liked it!! And thanks for taking my button by the way! šŸ™‚

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