A New Writing Goal and Deadline

Alarm Clock 3

Alright, everybody! It’s been over a month since I have completed my first draft of my fantasy novel. And I’m still so proud of myself.

But here’s the thing, I have begun to realize that I enjoy working under a deadline. I really do. I gave myself a deadline last time and at first, I didn’t want to do this with my rewrite. I thought maybe I would enjoy pacing myself in the way that I wanted. But, a few weeks into my rewrite and chapter one and two behind me (sort of on chapter two, I have to look over that again), I have realized that…

I like deadlines.

So, this is the tough part – what deadline do I give myself?

I thought maybe I would give myself to the end of the year to finish my rewrite. And you know? That isn’t that bad of an idea.

But instead of that deadline, I decided to give myself until my birthday – December 4th. So, on December 4th, I promise to have my book rewritten. Ideally I will have my book rewritten before than. But that may not happen, so I am giving myself until December 4th.

So, here’s the brand new widget that I have for my blog:

Isn’t it pretty?

So there are also some other things going for me as well. I’m starting a new blog story hop this month, so you will start to see those posts. Plus, I’ve going over in my mind what my next project would be. I do have a novel in mind that I would like to start, but…I don’t think I’m ready for something so big just yet. I have a continuation in a possible series to my current book that I could continue, but that’s also something I’m not ready for.

Instead, I want to get a few short stories under my belt. Since I like deadlines, I thought I would share with you a few that I am going for:

Hayden’s Ferry Review

Deadline: June 1st

Theme: In the Dark

I’m really excited about this one and have started a story that I’ve been wanting to write for a while. I have it semi-outlined and it will be a horror story inspired by this abandoned house in my neighborhood. 

Saturday Evening Post

Deadline: July 1st

Theme: Celebrating America, Past, Present, and Future

No clue about what I would write for this one. So I’ve sent the quest out into my imagination and I’m hoping it will return with something good. 

Writer’s Digest Popular Fiction Awards

Deadline: September 17th

Very excited about this one, and the idea from this story will likely come from the following challenge I’m also taking part in…

Okay, so I love Pinterest. But not usually for the typical stuff you know people “pin” for. I don’t usually pin recipes, crafts, etc. But I do pin photographs I love and things that just fit into my philosophy in life. I also have a “dream house” that I collect photos for. Occasionally, I will also take snapshots of writer’s websites that I like and pin that for later too. So this challenge is a “Pin It and Do It” challenge. Unless I become a millionaire within the next few weeks, it’s likely I won’t have my dream house.
Instead, I have pinned three photos for short stories that I would like to write based on those photos I have found.  By the way, if you are on Pinterest and want to follow me – click here to find my profile. Based on the challenge description I am at the “Timid Pinner” level. So, definitely join in the challenge, because it sounds like a lot of fun! 
I have signed up for a ton of stuff this month, but I’m thinking it will be a lot of fun. Let the May games begin! 
What are you up to lately? Have you added anything new to your plate?

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26 thoughts on “A New Writing Goal and Deadline

  1. Ah, deadlines. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love deadlines, too – well, I like structure, anyway. I like that you're giving yourself a lot of time for this. I only got to see the tail end of your draft timeline. How does your rewrite timeline compare?

    1. It's much faster!! Hehe….my first draft took over ten years to finish (granted a good chunk of that time was spent not writing it…). I am still going back to edit chapter one, so if I make it to December 4th with a satisfying edit I will be shocked!

  2. Girl, how do you have time? Once I set a deadline, I can barely make time to work on one book, let alone short stories and side projects! You are a real fighter for your dream – and an inspiration!

    1. Thanks!! Well, we'll see how it goes!! I haven't been a bullet out of a gun with my short stories. Editing has captured me so much! It's a lot of work!

  3. I think deadlines focus the mind. Without deadlines, I don't work, so I totally get you. Good luck with all your endeavours, I think you're doing the right thing. We had a saying at work (in a long-gone previous professional life) that said: "Want something done? Give it to the busiest person." Go figure. LOVE the widget!!!

    1. I love that quote!!! That is me to the core!!! Oh god how perfect! Thanks too by the way, I am realizing that deadlines are my friend!

  4. Good for you! Isn't it funny how we all work better under different conditions and that it sometimes takes many, many years to figure out what our ideal scenarios are? I know that I'm most productive when I share my goals "out loud" as it were, either telling loved ones or writing it on my blog. Good luck!

    1. Same here, kario! Once other people know my goals, I feel much more dedicated to them. And it really does take long to figure out what gets us going to write and what doesn't!

  5. Don't you find writing a mood thing? I try to set targets and have something done by a deadline but inevitably fate or apathy will take a hand somewhere. Conversely there are periods inbetween where flurries of activity take place to balance it all… so far!

    1. So far deadlines have been my friend! I've discovered in the past that if I let mood be my guide that writer's block (however mythical people believe it to be!) is just around the corner!

  6. Oh, here's to the pressure of deadlines, with little bits of wiggle room worked in.

    Following ya from the hop and excited for you and your writing journey. We're riding the wave of life at localsugarhawaii.com and I'd love, love, love it if you'd join us– you know, if you ever need a little break from deadline pressure. No pressure at local sugar hawaii, it really is a "come as you are" kind of place.


    1. Definitely cheers to the wiggle room!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Checking out your wonderful sounding blog now!

  7. Good luck with your new deadline.

    I've been editing a lot for clients, so now I'm making time to draft my new WIP. It feels so good to be drafting again. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I like deadlines, too. Back when I was writing for television, meeting a deadline meant getting a check. Yes. Those were the good ol' days. But even now knowing I have only a certain amount of time to finish anything really kicks me into gear.

    I'm so glad we connected on WD and I'm so impressed with all the projects you've got cooking! Now following you on everything and will be back to participate in a challenge soon, too.

    1. Oh I just love that check mark feeling! Thank you for checking out my blog, too by the way! I hope you participate in the challenge as well! Let me know if you do!

  9. Congratulations on completing your 1st draft of your novel. Gives me hope. I'm just beginning a first draft of a non-fiction book. Maybe I should give myself a deadline? ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. You should! It worked for me anyways! Although I had my first draft halfway done when I went back to it this past year. I had started it…um…ten years ago and decided that my 2012 New Year's Resolution would be to finish my novel! And I did! Maybe give yourself stages to finish your novel – like the outline should be done by one date, first draft by another, etc. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. I work so much better with when I set goals and deadlines. With my first novel, I actually pretended I was taking a college course and had to have the first draft done by a certain date. Being a diligent student, the method worked for me. I now have a novel, which has gone through several edits and is just about ready for publication. Now, on to novel two. Let's say first draft due: August 31, 2013.

    Great bolg, Nicole!

    1. Oh that's a good deadline to have for a first draft! And I LOVE your approach by the way.I'm an "A", good student, myself and I swear that's why I'm good about deadlines. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Photos are a great motivator for writing stories. Now, if I can just set my own deadlines and stick to them! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Heehee…YOU CAN DO IT!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm definitely loving the photo prompt ideas, I hope I meet my own goals this month, because I'll share them as I go!

  12. Thanks for sharing the short story contest links. I agree that a deadline can be very motivating, especially when other people know about it!

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