Inch for Inch – A Museum of Haunted Artifacts #AtoZChallenge

If you have seen The Conjuring, you probably heard of Ed and Lorraine Warren.

And if you’ve seen the movie, you probably remember the scene where this reporter is asking Ed Warren about his haunted artifacts room.

I was pleased to find out that they really do have a museum of haunted artifacts like they show in the movie, including the Annabelle Doll (which turned out to be more of haunted Raggedy Ann doll than the doll shown in the movie).

The coolest thing of all, you can actually go on tours to go through their museum.

Although to be honest, as psyched as I am for this type of stuff, I’d be a little worried that I’d carry home some sort of evil spirit. With my kind of luck, I’m sure I would.

Would you visit the museum of haunted artifacts? Better yet, would you have something to contribute?

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8 thoughts on “Inch for Inch – A Museum of Haunted Artifacts #AtoZChallenge

  1. I might visit the museum. I'd have to think twice about it, though. The idea creeps me out a little bit. šŸ™‚

  2. I think I would be TERRIFIED to visit the museum, but also wholly intrigued! I am not sure which way I would go.

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