In the Spotlight: Stephanie Martinez Rivera, Host of Joy Found Here

I’m returning to my blog with a renewed sense of fervor! Not only am I fan of podcasts, I love connecting with the host and getting to know the person behind the show. Stephanie Martinez Rivera is the host of Joy Found Here. It’s where she has “real talk with inspiring women about life, balance, grace, and permission to step off the ride.”

She is the first in my “in the spotlight” series, where I’ll feature podcasters and authors I’ve met and get to know them a little closer. Let’s get this started! Everyone, welcome Stephanie!

Nicole: First of all, I’m so glad to have you here with me today! How did you come by your podcast name, “Joy Found Here”?

Stephanie: I always had in my mind that I would call my podcast something with my name in it. I finally came up with “Unstuck with Steph.” I was taking a podcast course at the time (shout out Ginni Media!). After coming up with a name, we were told to search to make sure no one had it, make sure a website was available, etc. Since this course was going to launch our first podcast episode, all of these assignments were time-sensitive.

I was in full-blown panic and meltdown mode when I discovered I had forgotten to check if that name was available. It wasn’t! So, I had less than one hour to submit my name. I allowed myself to have a mini breakdown, complete with a cry session. Then I stopped, and with my journal, sat on my porch telling myself, “Of course you’ve got this. You know how to do this.” As I put my hand on my heart I said, “What is my message? What do I want to share?” I wrote down JOY! That felt good. Then I repeated that exercise, tapping into, asking, and listening, and once I wrote “Joy Found Here” I knew that was it.

Nicole: What a phenomenal discovery story! Why did you decide to start a podcast?

Stephanie: A few things about me: I love people, and I love to talk and learn. I was working at a job with an hour commute, so after I got tired of dance parties, I started listening to podcasts in the early days. I was fascinated that some celebrities were hosting and having everyday conversations. I began listening to many different topics, learning so much in such a small condensed amount of time. I was hooked!

I also always knew I had something to say, but to whom and how? My friends and family started saying I should start a podcast, which sounded like a great idea, but I had no idea how to even begin. That is until I found the Podcast Accelerator course online in a Facebook ad. And the rest, after 200+ episodes, is history.

Nicole: How kismet! What have you learned about yourself (and/or others) through your podcast?

Stephanie: Oh, I love this question. Let’s start with me: I’ve definitely learned that I can do anything at any part of my life. The number that identifies my age does not define any limitation at all. I started this podcast and published my first episode right before my 60th birthday and now this year, turning 64 with over 200 episodes. Don’t ever let yourself believe that you can’t do anything because I’m proof that you can.

I’ve learned so much from the beautiful parade of guests that I’ve had the honor of speaking with over these past few years. A real common thread is people want to be seen, and they want to be heard. They want to know that they matter. Sometimes, when life throws a couple of curveballs at you, it definitely makes you stronger and your resilience is usually revealed. You can walk through the fire. It sucks while you’re doing it and the soles of your feet are burning. However, when you get to the other side, wow!

I get to speak with people every week with different journeys, different outcomes, different solutions that just always remind me of how amazingly talented we all are.

Nicole: That is so inspiring! How has your podcast evolved since you first started?

Stephanie: Like anything in life, I didn’t know how to speak at first. That sounds funny – how to articulate. And honestly, some people would argue I still don’t! With anything that you set out to do, it’s gonna be messy. You’re practicing, that’s all it is.

My first few episodes were in person. They were friends and mentors that I knew I wanted to share their story and my experience with them. I would type and read what I wrote, like an intro or questions. In the first few episodes, you’d hear the paper that I’m shuffling because I’m turning to the next page. But then I became more and more comfortable, more confident, and just more dialed in and present with the guests that were appearing on my screen. We could’ve just been sitting in a coffee shop having the same conversation.

My turning point came around episode 10, I think, when I was interviewing my son. Again, I had typed up an intro of things I was going to talk about and I was reading the pages. Halfway through, we were sitting across from each other, and he looked at me and said, “Why are you reading that? I’m right here, let’s just talk.” That changed my whole way of thinking.

Now I enjoy talking and being curious about the guests and their journey. People don’t just wake up and then they are what they are, such as an entrepreneur of an eight-figure business, an empire, a podcast, a newsletter, a product, personal development. You don’t wake up, and you’re there. There are 1000 invisible steps that are taken to be at a place at a certain time.

My message is that everyone evolves in anything you do. It’s the same way you get to Carnegie Hall: practice, practice, practice. And more importantly, put it out there. Let the world share your talent. Share your superpowers. You may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but somebody’s gonna love you.

Nicole: What a beautiful message! What’s been the biggest surprise or challenge you’ve experienced while podcasting?

Stephanie: I’m a team of one at this moment, and I’d like to say I’m the “I” in team. I also have a 9-to-5 job that, as I mentioned earlier, is an hour commute each direction. So, time was always a very big challenge for me, but I find like anything in life, if you want something bad enough, you find the time. We all have the same 24 hours.

When I was very dedicated to going to the gym and getting fit and strong, the only time that worked was like four in the morning. I had a wonderful neighbor and friend, Dana, who would agree that we would do this crazy time together. This way, I still had time to get ready and get to work in the morning. We didn’t miss gym time for, gosh, eight or nine months, until of course I broke my ankle in a very big way (not at the gym).

Consistency for me is key. I told my community and my audience that they would hear from Joy Found Here every week. So, I refuse to miss a week. What that means is bundling my interviews so I never have to worry, “Oh, it’s Wednesday, what’s coming out next Tuesday?” I don’t have that worry.

My biggest challenge is social media and sharing the episodes. I’m still working on learning automated systems. This old dog still needs to learn a lot of new tricks and have the whole premier and promote process more automated.

Nicole: Knowing what I’ve learned about you, I’m confident you can do it! What has been your most memorable episode(s) and why?

Stephanie: I think my early ones stick with me because of who I chose to speak to. I was really so happy to speak to my mentors, the women who I learned from, and who got me to this place.

It was really cool for me to interview, on episode 51, Ginni Saraswati, founder of Ginni Media. I mentioned her early on. She produces podcasts with her wonderful staff, and I look at her and the media empire that she’s built, and I’m in total awe.

My other memorable episode is 42 with Beth Miller. Beth was and is a spiritual leader, an amazing therapist, coach, and amazing businesswoman. I had the very good fortune to be in a group session with her and six others (and at one point a dozen other amazing women) who I met in my late 40s and am still very close to. Beth taught me most everything I know about my spiritual journey, meditation, journaling, visualization, and removing limitations. I wouldn’t be speaking to you right now, I wouldn’t be on every podcast platform, without Beth Miller. It’s really cool when you get this opportunity to thank the people who really made a difference in your trajectory and in your journey.

Nicole: What a wonderful experience! If you could have a dream guest on your podcast, who would it be and what would you talk about?

Steephanie: I love this question! In no particular order:

Dolly Parton: an icon and legend. What a story! Where do you begin? Pioneer, trailblazer. I don’t even know if I’d be able to get a question out. I would probably be crying very happy tears maybe the whole time. I’m sure she could just tell story after story.

Maria Shriver and Sarah Blakely. Two successful women, mothers, and in Maria’s case, grandmother. They, to me, show and share the real side of life as business owners and mothers with family in a crazy time, yet both do it with a great sense of humor. I love how they are really good “friends” to their respective friend groups. Women loving and supporting other women is so underrated.

Another thing that is really important to me is fun and family. I know Maria probably still has (because I learned this from a podcast) Sunday dinners where her children were required attendance. We had Sunday dinners, and as the kids grew up, we enjoyed tons of stories, tons of laughs, just a really good time to reconnect.

Sarah Blakely: love her. She’s so unapologetic, and what you see is what you get, no filter. That’s what we need.

Nicole: Those would be incredible ladies to talk to! So, how do you prepare for each episode or guest?

Stephanie: I usually receive an introduction or a short bio. Some people have media kits, some don’t, and that’s fine. Depending upon if it was a direct reach out, if they pitched themselves, or if they had an agency that helps them with booking, there’s usually something about them that peaks my interest and curiosity. I selfishly choose my guests based on things I want to learn, and lucky for me, that works!

I check out their social links and their books if they’ve been released. Basically light stalking on social media, but I kind of already know what I want to find out from them. Then everything changes once I ask them their first question, because then the conversation will just take direction. I’m lucky that that is how the episodes have been going.

Nicole: I love it! You have such a natural but thorough process. Thank you so much for taking time to chat with me today! Would you like to nominate another podcaster for me to feature in an upcoming interview? If so, who is and what do you like about their show?

Stephanie: Suzanne Stabile. She is the host of the Enneagram Journey podcast and an expert on the enneagram, which breaks down why you are wired the way you are. So interesting and a great storyteller!

Nicole: Fantastic! Thank you again, Stephanie

Everyone, be sure to check out Stephanie’s podcast Joy Found Here on the Apple Podcasts app or Spotify.

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