Have you met your [D]oppelganger?

Okay, despite the cornball stories and usage of the word, the idea of seeing your “doppelganger” can be potentially frightening. In some cultures it’s been said that seeing your doppelganger is a sign of impending doom.

And if you haven’t heard the word before, a doppelganger is basically your exact double. And according to the paranormal encyclopedia, a doppelganger casts no shadow or reflection and usually have sinister motives behind their actions.

A famous story surrounding the idea of the doppelganger is former President Lincoln saw his own doppelganger and it’s even been recorded in journals and others who confirm that he spoke of seeing his double in the mirror, where he saw two different sides of his face.

I’m pretty sure it would be very creepy to see my double and I’m not sure how I would react.

My biggest question is, if I saw my double, can I talk to her and get her to do things like pay my bills for me, and go to work in my place, so I don’t have to? Is it possible to have a responsible doppelganger?

On another note, what ‘evil’ would your doppelganger do that you wouldn’t normally do?

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28 thoughts on “Have you met your [D]oppelganger?

  1. My friend Shelly might be my doppelganger but she only has nice motives and just like me, she lives with two dogs and a sweet man.

  2. Interesting post. I had never heard the word before but have added it to my bag of interesting words. Stopping in from A-Z.

  3. I actually laugh when I think about dopplegangers, but only because of two things:
    1) Back when I was a kid, there was totally a RL Stine Goosebumps book that had a doppleganger in it, and it was fantastic!
    2) How I Met Your Mother used dopplegangers in a hilarious way!

    Otherwise, I have never really put much thought into them. I'm one of those people who has a kind of average look, so people always think they know me or call me the name of someone else, so maybe I'm already a doppleganger. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    In other news, doing a giveaway on my blog that I thought you might like: http://authorjess.blogspot.com/2014/04/recommended-read-and-giveaway-lexicon.html

    1. I have seen that same episode!! Haha, it was Marshall and Lilly trying to make a baby based on how many signs they saw that guy I can't remember the name of!

  4. I had no idea that doppelganger could have a paranormal (a sinister) meaning. Way cool. I have the feeling that mine would try to ruin all my friendships and put hair dye in my shampoo and mess up the alphabetization of my books.

  5. Interesting questions. I don't even want to think about how scared I'd be.

    J.L. Campbell writes at The Character Depot and the Jamaican Kid Lit Blog.

  6. Ouuu – That sounds a bit scary… Would love to have a "naughty" me though, that I could pretend I had no idea who was..:-) Ha ha ..

    1. Hhaha, I know. As long as we could trade off naughty days – I don't want them having all the fun!

  7. Oops… It's 1 am here in India and I thought why did I read this post this late in the night. Thank you so much for ending it on a lighter note… see you around.

  8. Quite freaky – the thought that I might have a doppelganger. I don't think I can cope with the thought let alone the idea that we may meet. Now I'm going to be awake for a long time. Note to self – do not read A-Z blogs late into the night. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. I do have one, and I've seen him once.

    Occasionally I'd get strangers asking me questions I didn't understand or mentioning my being somewhere I hadn't been. And there were friends who said they saw me at a distance somewhere that I wasn't in. At one point I got slapped by a woman who then told me in a horrified and embarassed way that I wasn't him. And I got a glass of water thrown in my face by another woman who called me a very bad word after walking up to me and two of my friends, both of whom are women. My friends got a laugh out of that. Apparently we look just alike, but the eyes are different.

    I saw him once while on a bus. He was out on the sidewalk. I got off at the next stop, went back, but he was gone. It was like looking in a mirror.

  10. Hadnt really heard of this before. But I can only imagin the evil my doppelganger will set loose ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. I have heard ooof people looking similar but this is definetely a new concept! Should be quite freaky and exciting at the same time me thinks

  12. I do wish I had one. Would be great to come face to face with one ๐Ÿ™‚ Reminds me of Doppelgangers in Vampire's Diaries ๐Ÿ˜€

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