Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – We’re Late, But It’s Here!

I know, I know – it’s Friday! Not Wednesday! So where the heck has the writing prompt been? Aside from this being a long, long week, a couple of your hosts have been on (or will be going to) vacation this week or soon, so that threw us all off!

Anyways, Tena has the prompt, but first, let’s take a look at the stories from last week!

“S-M-A-R-T F-E-L-L-A” BY J.P.

Stopping Along a Well Paved Road by Tony Roberts

The Assignation by Sally Stackhouse

The Adventures of Cap’t Monkey and Tooele Boy by Scott Taylor

Mother’s Instinct by Leanne Sype

Awesome stories everyone!!!

Now, here’s Tena with our prompt for this week!


It’s that Time of week. Time for this week’s Blog Hop.

I decided to use one of the pictures that I took while on a little camping/train swap meet getaway the weekend before last. A cute little coffee shop with (I think) a cute and unique name.


The rules are simple:

The story must be related to the above picture and include the random words below. It must also be under 500 words.

Most important, have fun and don’t stress out.

When your done link your story to the linky at the bottom

Random Words:







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3 thoughts on “Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – We’re Late, But It’s Here!

  1. Going on vacation??? The very idea of it! No, no, no! that's just not possible šŸ˜€ Oh, all right then, off you go. Have a wonderful time and come back refreshed so you can think of lots of wonderful prompts for us. It doesn't matter that it's the weekend. My sixth grade teacher Mr. Riley always said when someone turned in their homework late. "Better late than never" Bless you all for all your hard work. We really appreciate it xx

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