Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – Are You Inspired

5 words, 1 picture, and a whole lotta talent– it’s blog hop photo reveal day!I’m going to get right to it, my friends!

First up? David Bastiani was our blog hop ad winner! Here is his button to display on your site so people can hop on over to his blog after they’ve hopped over to yours (see what I did there? ;)).

david bastiani button

Congratulations, David!

Okay, here are the stories from last week’s photograph. Be sure to hop over to each blog and read the stories ( ;)) and show some love to the authors in the comments!

Hop vs. Prompt? by JP

Climb by Carrie K. Sorensen

Ice Drop by Leanne Sype

J’Sharn’s World–Episode II

Where’s your Stick? by Scott Taylor

The Birthday Treat by Sally Stackhouse

Here is a reminder of this works

1) Use the photo and the 5 words provided in your story
2) Keep your word count 500 words or less.
3) You have until next Tuesday to link up your post.
4) Link up with your blog hostess (Nicole, Carrie, Tena or Leanne) when you’re done via the inLinkz linky below.
5) Have fun, don’t stress, let those creative juices flow.

And drumroll please for this week’s photo– badadadadadadadadaaaa


(randomly generated) Mandatory words






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