A Note to My Future Writing Self #IWSG

I’ve decided to join the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and today is my first post with the group. Today’s prompt asks you to describe your future writing self and your future life as if you were already “living the dream.” Funny thing is today is my birthday and every year I write a letter to myself for the next year. So, I guess this is a letter to myself whenever that whole “living the dream” thing happens.

I’m imagining by now I have a couple of books published that are bringing in enough income for me to live off of – or at least very close. I can’t say what my future life will be like, though, in terms of who is around me or where I live. I don’t tend to think like that.

I’ve only been published once – two poems that were featured on a website called “The Voices Project” but once the initial excitement wears off, what remains is this idea of wanting to do it again. The publishing high doesn’t last long. Or maybe it lasts as long as the length of the work. Who knows. I’m imagining if somehow I’ve managed to make a living off of writing that the publishing high has faded quite a bit and writing is now it’s more of a habit and lifestyle.

If my ideal scenario is that I am making a living off of writing than I’m imagining that if I could change anything, I want that excitement back of first publishing my work. How does one change that, though? I guess you can always try something new and maybe that’s what I’d like to encourage my future self to do. Don’t forget to challenge yourself along the way. Write outside that comfort zone.

Oddly that is what I’m encouraging myself to do this next year. I want to write outside of my usual comfort zone. I am hoping to challenge myself to write in at least 2 unfamiliar genres next year. I also want to challenge myself to finish a previous work that I left undone. I have a few in mind that I want to see complete.

What is your ideal writing life? What does it look like? What would you want to change about that idealized version of your writing life? Tell me in the comments.

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15 thoughts on “A Note to My Future Writing Self #IWSG

  1. Welcome to the IWSG! And happy birthday! 🙂

    I think the idea of challenging ourselves is an important one. One thing I like to do is to submit at least one story to a new-to-me market/magazine/contest etc.

    1. I love that idea! I have a few in mind I'd like to submit to that are new – it helps me stay motivated!

  2. Happy birthday Nicole! It seems like you have an awesome plan and great goal of challenging yourself in 2020! I intend on pushing myself outside of my writing comfort zone as well. Who knows if that will work out?

    Hope you have a fantastic Wednesday!

    With Love,

  3. Imagining is the first step! It seems you're on you're way! Congratulations and great to meet you at IWSG.

  4. Welcome to the IWSG!
    After four books, a short story, and numerous anthologies, I think it's safe to say the high doesn't fade the more you have published. So get excited about that!

  5. I'm guessing each book will be unique enough to keep the excitement going. 🙂 I think you'll find new challenges in your writing…after all you can make it anything you want.

  6. My first post for IWSG too 🙂 I like challenging myself as well by working in genres I'm not as comfortable with.

  7. A letter to yourself every year? What do the old ones say? This is a cool novel idea…

    Welcome to IWSG! Good luck on breaking out of that comfort zone!

  8. Hope you had a great time during birthday Nicole. It seems a great plan to challenge yourself to accomplish certain goals and achievements. It is really important to keep going on that way.

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