Night Terror by Jeff Gunhus – Horrifyingly, Excellent Horror Story [Review] #AmReading

I had the honor of reviewing another book by Jeff Gunhus. Previously on this blog, if you happen to remember, I read and reviewed Jack Templar Monster Humnter (The Templar Chronicles Series) last year! I thoroughly enjoyed book one and I’ve heard so many good things about the rest of the books in the series.

The thing is…if you were a fan of the Templar Chronicles, don’t walk into the latest book by Jeff Gunhus with the same mind frame. Jeff Gunhus’ latest book, “Night of Terror” will send you under your covers with a flashlight. This book is freaky, vivid, and scary all the way through. The descriptions are incredible and as a writer, I could learn a thing or two.

About Night Terror by Jeff Gunhus

Ten years after her abduction and near-sacrifice to the Source, Sarah Tremont struggles to be a normal teenager. As much as she’s tried to suppress the power inside of her, it’s grown dangerously strong and has drawn the attention of those who want to possess her power for themselves.
The nightmare that she thought was long over starts again as powerful forces descend upon Prescott City to seek her out. With her parents and Joseph Lonetree’s help, Sarah must stand up to an evil much more powerful than the one she faced in the caves a decade earlier. But in the end, she discovers the greatest danger might come from the power living inside of her.

What I Thought

I’m usually a fan of reading a book in one sitting but I actually had to take a few breaks when reading this book! This will send your mind into some pretty dark places. The plot and the intensity of the main character, Sarah and the evil she is dealing with, pulls you right back in. I thought the characters were vivid and most of all, the descriptions just jumped off the page. It actually made my skin crawl a bit, so if you are on the squeamish side, take warning! If you aren’t, this is the perfect book for you. Although this book is the second in the series, you don’t have to read the first one to enjoy it. It can definitely be a stand alone book.

About the Author – Jeff Gunhus

Jeff Gunhus is the author of both adult thrillers and the Middle Grade/YA series, The Templar Chronicles. The first book, Jack Templar Monster Hunter, was written in an effort to get his reluctant reader eleven-year old son excited about reading. It worked and a new series was born. His book Reaching Your Reluctant Reader has helped hundreds of parents create avid readers. As a father of five, he and his wife lead an active lifestyle simply trying to keep up with their kids. In rare moments of quiet, he can be found in the back of the City Dock Cafe in Annapolis working on his next novel.

His latest book is the thriller/horror novel, Night Terror.  Visit Jeff Gunhus online by checking out his website, and connecting with Jeff on Facebook and Twitter.

Make sure you come back to my blog tomorrow, because I have an interview with Jeff Gunhus! He will be sharing his writing process, how he got into the right mindframe to get those descriptions as vivid as they are, and so much more!

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