A Book for the Adventurer in All of Us

 I have gotten addicted to young adult adventurer novels and it takes me back to the days of playing pretend with my school friends and getting to be inventive and creative at all hours of the day.

When I read Jack Templar – Monster Hunter by Jeff Gunhus, it had all the elements of the ultimate adventure story. Super powers, seemingly unbeatable enemies, friends who stick with you until the end…everything you need to get taken away.

It starts out with Jack Templar’s 14th birthday. He lives with his aunt after both parents passed away, and while he loves his aunt, he has always had questions about what exactly happened to his father. All those points aside, it starts out being a normal birthday. Yet, until he realizes how…different he feels. Stronger. After sneaking away to  the basement, more than a few effortless weight training sessions later, Jack knows something is strange and really, really cool.

Once at school, everything goes as normal as planned, until the lunch room and a fight breaks out. Worse, it’s between Jack’s two best friends and the school bully. Using his new strength, Jack sticks up for his friends and takes down the bully. This leaves everyone in shock though, because suddenly, Jack isn’t who he used to be.

An hour later, Jack is being confronted by the Principal and he’s sent home. With a mysterious and sinister birthday wish from the Principal, who claims she’s been waiting a long time for this moment. As Jack walks away from the school, it’s then he sees her change from a wicked evil woman, to a frightening creature.

Monsters are after Jack.

This is just the beginning of course and Jack find a new level of terror in the hometown he thought he knew. But with his best friends and new band of monster hunters beside him, life becomes a whole heck of a lot more interesting.

I enjoyed every word of this book. The main character also takes breaks to speak directly to us, and warning us of the book’s dangers. Because once you learn about Monster’s, you see them everywhere.

This well written exciting book is perfect for anyone (kids and adults) who love a fun, exciting story. I was taken away by every word and suddenly my bus ride wasn’t so dull anymore.

If you would like to read more about how this brilliant adventure novel came to be, check out this link here. And most importantly, if you’d like to purchase this book, check out the link on Amazon.

Purchase this book. You will enjoy it, love it, and watch out for monster’s after you finish reading it.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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