[W]hat’s In My ‘To Be Read’ Stack?

Today I decided to go over what was in my ‘to be read’ stack. I love the library and recently got a huge stack of new books I plan on reading. So, I thought I would share the three of the books in my “to be read stack.”

1) The Mist in the Mirror by Susan Hill

I haven’t started it yet, but Susan Hill is one of the newest authors I’ve discovered and I really enjoyed the last book I read called, “The Man in the Picture.”

She really gives off unique and vivid settings and always has a strong narrator voice. She reminds me of the classic horror novels.

Here’s a portion of what it says on the back cover…”[Sir James Monmouth soon begins to feel as though something is warning him away at every turn; there are the intense feelings of being watched and the strange apparitions of a sad little boy. And as he learns more about his hero’s past, he discovered that they are only the beginning, for Kittiscar Hall is hiding a terrible secret that will being their lives together in ways he could never have imagined.”

2) The Plague by Albert Camus

I picked this book up at the library recently mostly because I have never read a book by him before! And then read a portion of what it’s about: “In Oran, a coastal town in North Africa, the plague begins a series of portents, unheeded by the people. It gradually becomes an omnipresent reality, obliterating all traces of the past and driving its victims to alost unearthly extremes of suffering, madness, and compassion.”
3) I Am Legend by Richard Matheson

I heard a lot of things about this book, especially after seeing the movie (which I didn’t like). I’m hoping I like the ending better, because I didn’t like how the movie ended, and I think I remember hearing the book ends differently.
Obviously this just scratches the surface on what’s in my “to be read” stack, but it’s a great beginning!
What books are you planning on reading (or currently reading)?

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4 thoughts on “[W]hat’s In My ‘To Be Read’ Stack?

  1. I'm working my way through Jack Higgins' latest, the last of Tom Clancy, and a memoir by Billy Crystal.

  2. You should enjoy I Am Legend. The book is very different from the movie(which I too hated), especially the ending. In fact, the title is the end. šŸ˜‰

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