Writing Prompt Wednesday – Writer Wednesday Blog Hop

This week my co-host Carrie chooses this week’s photo! I’m so excited to see what she came up with! 
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This week it’s my turn to get those creative fires burning. I’ve spent hours deliberating over which photo to choose. After page after page of duds, I begged my husband for one of his. And how do you choose just five words? (Random word generator.)

So, after all the effort I’ve put into this, how could you not participate?

See? That’s settled. šŸ˜‰

Let’s look at the submissions from last week, first. As usual, they’re pretty amazing and definitely worth the time to read.

Murder at the Amusement Park (3) from Jottings and Writings of Tena Carr
Deal with the Devil by Chessny Silth
In a Room by Sydney Aaliyah
Payback’s A…by World of My Imagination
And you can read mine here: Lake House Rendezvous

Before we get to the rules, just a quick reminder that if you are inspired by a previous week’s prompt, please let us know so we can help you share it.

And the rules are:

1) There will be one photo, and five words – both of those elements must be a feature in the brief story you create.
2) There is also a 500 word maximum.
3) You have until the next Wednesday to create your post.
4) When you have finished your post, come back here and link up below and let me (or whoever your blog host is) know in the comments that you have done so!
5) We were going to tell you to not take this too seriously, but reconsidered it because we know full well that asking writers to write something means that they will take it seriously. So, take it seriously, but don’t fret/panic/pass out/hyperventilate/lose sleep/run in fear over it.

Here’s the photo (taken by Kristoffer Sorensen)

Here are the five words (taken from this link)






Once you have your story ready, post it below. Happy writing!

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4 thoughts on “Writing Prompt Wednesday – Writer Wednesday Blog Hop

  1. Hmm. I guess copy and pasting code brought all last week's stories into this week's post. Oops. šŸ˜›

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