Yay! We’re back!

We had an awesome week last week, so make sure you go by and check out these amazing posts:

For Keeps by Chasing Revery

…just one entry again???? You guys!!!

Alright, to make myself feel better I will showcase the entries from the week before. Anyways, I don’t think we did that last week. Here are a few other entries to check out:

The Sweetest of News

Waiting to Be Released

They Need an Older Brother

Alright…I feel better. And in case you forgot, each entry into the writing prompt is a chance to win a prize! So make sure you check out the details! Also if you are a photographer, we’d love to feature your work. Click here to find out how to make that happen!

Don’t forget about the rules:

1) There will be one photo, and five words – both of those elements must be a feature in the brief story you create.
2) There is also a 500 word maximum.
3) You have until the next Wednesday to create your post.
4) When you have finished your post, come back here and link up below and let me (or whoever your blog host is) know in the comments that you have done so!
5) We were going to tell you to not take this too seriously, but reconsidered it because we know full well that asking writers to write something means that they will take it seriously. So, take it seriously, but don’t fret/panic/pass out/hyperventilate/lose sleep/run in fear over it.

Okay, here is the photo this week:


And the five words:






When your ready, submit your link below!

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3 thoughts on “Writing Prompt Wednesday

  1. I like the idea behind this blog post!

    Never thought that I'll be a good writer today too until I've read "Words to Riches"written by Rob Colville. Mr. Colville is a real expert in writing and entrepreneuship

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