Writing Prompt Blog Hop – Recharge Your Creative Self!

Carrie has the reign’s for the blog hop! Take it away!!

Okay, it looks like whatever slump we were in is working it’s way through. Look at all these stories we have from last week’s prompt.
A Cowboy’s Grace by Chessny Silth
A Phone Call by Scott Taylor
Promise @ My Unpublished Life
Maybe It’s A Dream Sequence? by Nicole Pyles
Cast Adrift by Carrie K Sorensen
Amazing. šŸ™‚ Everyone must have remembered it was the last week to enter for the Ad contest. Do you want to know who won? Random.org says …..

Leanne Sype it’s you!!
Congratulations, Leanne!
Now we have a week to work on your button. Let us know if you have one, if you would like to make your own or if you would like us to make one for you. šŸ™‚
If you would like to know how to win, you can check out the details at this post. Also, we have found we need to expand on the rules a little bit (how exciting is that), so we will be creating a Contest Rules Page one of these days to help you with the nitty gritty of it all. Also, don’t forget we are accepting photo submissions. We haven’t gotten one yet, but that just means you could be the first.
Okay everyone. Here is what you will be writing toward this week:
The Photo:
The Words:
Be sure to let us know how it goes and link up below.

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