Writer Wednesday – Writing Prompt (Action Packed!)

We’re back again! Sorry for not commenting on everyone’s stories. I did, however, figure out the best time to get writing and blog stuff done during my work week…during my 90 bus ride home in the afternoon! Yay! I knew I would figure out a way to fit stuff in. Heh heh…

So we had some amazing stories last week and I am happy to share those with you:
Back Flip Bounce by Scott Taylor
Climb for Victory by Sarah Musk

Touch Me Not by Carrie K. Sorensen
Untitled by My Unpublished Life

Don’t forget! Every weekly submission is a chance to win our monthly ad contest. Read here for the details!

And if you want a photograph featured, read this to find out more details!

If you are a fan of the weekly writing prompt and the writers who participate, grab a button!

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Click and copy this code

We’re almost to this week’s prompt. Here’s a reminder of the rules:

1) There will be one photo, and five words – both of those elements must be a feature in the brief story you create.

2) There is also a 500 word maximum.

3) You have until the next Wednesday to create your post.

4) When you have finished your post, come back here and link up below and let me (or whoever your blog host is) know in the comments that you have done so!

5) We were going to tell you to not take this too seriously, but reconsidered it because we know full well that asking writers to write something means that they will take it seriously. So, take it seriously, but don’t fret/panic/pass out/hyperventilate/lose sleep/run in fear over it.

And here is the photo!

Spiritual Wheel

With these five words:


Ohhh I am so expecting good ones for next week!! (as usual, of course!)

Enter when you are ready!

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One thought on “Writer Wednesday – Writing Prompt (Action Packed!)

  1. This sounds like a great activity! The photo looks like a fun idea! Wish I had time to participate. Just really busy these days. Maybe in the future. Good luck to those who participate. And I agree with Nicole, don't fret or worry; just enjoy the writing journey! Take care!

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