Writer Wednesday Blog Hop? An Idea…

So, for the past few weeks, I have not run my weekly post of Writer Wednesday Blog Hop. For a couple of reasons, first being that it wasn’t growing and it was requiring a lot of effort to promote the posts to get very little traffic.

And for a few weeks, I thought maybe I would just permanently discontinue it.

Until now.

But, I’m trying something different. And I’m so glad to say that joining me is Carrie K Sorensen at Chasing Revery and Jane Bussey at A Writer’s Muses!

Utilizing photos I found that are out of their copyright protection and five randomly generated words, we are going to ask our fellow blog hoppers to write posts inspired by these two elements. And today is my first attempt at this, so we’ll see how this goes.

The Photo (Taken from This Link)
Words (Randomly generated from this link)

  1. Ham
  2. Spike
  3. Parity
  4. Girders
  5. Sale
Now, you can create a dialogue, short story, a brief scene, description, poem, or anything else you can think of, but it has to be less than 500 words and you have to use the five words above. Oh and it has to relate to the photo in some way!
And you have until the blog hop next week to make up a post. So, feel free to come back to this post between now and then.

I will post my own little something following this, and to be fair, I won’t actually start writing this until the blog hop is posted.

And as usual, feel free to take a button to promote the hop:

Writer Wednesday Blog Hop Button!
writing, writers, blogs

Click and copy this code

Have a post ready? Post your link below! 

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6 thoughts on “Writer Wednesday Blog Hop? An Idea…

    1. Totally! For next wednesdays hop, I'll also leave everyone a reminder to go back and look at what everyone did…

  1. I don't know Nicole. Those are some pretty hard words to string together! šŸ™‚

    I'll try and see what I can come up with by this weekend.

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