What’s Up Wednesday – A Writing Update Prompt


I found this really cool blog hop over at Jaime Morrow’s blog (which I found through someone else’s blog – can’t recall who…and I thought this would be fun way to catch people up on how I’m doing and what I’m doing these days! Make sure to check out the link to her blog for details on how to do this with me!



I am reading book 3 of the Unwind series! This was actually the first book that I have pre-ordered on Amazon and I’m loving every second of it. Although I’m seriously reading it too fast, I need to savor this book.


This is more of a “for fun” piece I’m working on. It has a fairy tale theme, but I’m adding a lot of humor and fun into it. It definitely isn’t serious and I haven’t even outlined it. I’m letting the characters sort of “run amok” and it seems to be working, actually. (No NaNoWriMo for me this year though!)


I would say what inspires me right now is the idea of letting go of the pressure of producing something that needs to be published and successful. Approaching a story with -gasp- fun in mind is letitng me relax and approach it with a speed I’m comfortable with!


I think I’m beginning to find my blog/writing/work balance and it hasn’t been easy to get it right. I’m still struggling with it, but I need to fit these loves of mine into my life otherwise I won’t be happy. Also, I’m querying a children’s book my mom and I wrote together and that is definitely a lesson in tenacity and discipline and fighting through the standard publishing cycle of no response/rejection.

I would love to know how you would respond to this prompt! Let me know in the comments if you’ve linked up!

Edit: I’m totally late to this and realized the link-up closed, but let me know how you are doing anyways! I want to know!

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One thought on “What’s Up Wednesday – A Writing Update Prompt

  1. I have a similar fun project that I work on when I need a break from writing I hope to publish one day. It's so freeing to write without stressing about plot or character development. I know if I ever decide to publish it, I can go back and revise. But for now, it's simply fun.

    Good luck on the book you're querying! (And nice to "meet" you through the blog hop!)

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