What Movie (or Book) Scene Scares You the Most

I am joining together with a bunch of awesome bloggers in the 2012 BlogFEST! I have the reins for today’s writing challenge and in the spirit of Halloween, my prompt is this:

Describe a scene from a book, movie, or television show that scares you the most.

Immediately two scenes come to mind for me. First, the ending to “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” where Donald Sutherland’s character screams at the end. I can see this movie fifty times and this still freaks me out. Here’s the movie clip:

And then the second movie clip that freaks me out is the ending to “Neverending Story” where that kid is about to plunge into the waterfall. I don’t know why but that freaks me out every time. I couldn’t find a clip of it, but if you have ever seen that movie, you will know what I’m talking about!

Take part in today’s challenge by commenting below or writing your own post! If you write a post, share it on the Facebook page for the blog event – http://Facebook.com/BlogFEST-2012.

What movie, book, or television scene scares you the most?

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29 thoughts on “What Movie (or Book) Scene Scares You the Most

    1. Totally forgot about Vincent Price and the "help me, help me." My brother and I used to imitate that scene over and over.. 🙂 Thanks for the flash back!

    1. Thanks! 🙂 I haven't had the chance to respond to others but I love the traffic this gave me and the response!!

  1. From Shutter Island, the scene where he finds his children in the pond out back, where his wife just finished drowning them. *eek*

  2. The movie, "The Others" with Nicole Kidman. I can't say the scene that scares me the most because it would be a spoiler to those who haven't seen it, and if you haven't, it's a must this Halloween season.

  3. Great Prompt!! I'm responding a day late– but I wanted to say Thank you for hosting BlogFEST 2012 for Monday, October 15th. I loved the responses so far!!

    1. Thanks!!! I loved hosting this! I will look forward to the others! This gave me so many awesome movie and books to look up!

  4. The scariest for me are the opening scene of Twister (nearly happened to our family when I was a kid) and the first encounter with the T-Rex in the first Jurassic Park.

  5. Yikes, this was a hard topic, Nicole. I had to do quite a bit of thinking here. I don't know if these scenes are the ones that scare me THE MOST — but they sure rank right up there. Now I think I have to go watch the movie. It's been at least a week or two since I've seen it. Gotta feed my addiction… 🙂

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