What Is Your Biggest Tearjerker – Movie or Book?

So last night my mom and I watched the movie Bridges of Madison County. And boy oh boy did we cry! And ironically enough, this was right after I had asked on my blog’s Facebook page what everyone’s cry baby movie was. Which was also after my mom and I watched clips from Brian’s Song…as well as that St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Commercial.

It’s been one hell of a day…

So, I thought I would throw the question out to you guys…what is your biggest cry baby movie or book?

Book? I would say as of late is the Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I read this in one day and cried very very hard at the end.

Movie-wise? Steel Magnolias will always win. Also, Neverwas makes me cry every time (I think every writer should watch this movie).

What are your cry baby movie or books?

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20 thoughts on “What Is Your Biggest Tearjerker – Movie or Book?

  1. My biggest tear jerker book title has slipped my mind and since the move I can't find it, but…

    It's something like Alex (fill in last name) story of a life/child/something and is written by the father of a girl with cystic fibrosis. I'm crying by page one. It's one of the only non-fiction books I'll read over and over. Makes me grateful for all that I have, especially the loved ones in my life.

  2. Okay, found it online–Alex: the story of a child by Frank Deford. Looks like they made it into an ABC tv movie as well.

  3. Hmm. I'm not a big movie-crier; I've cried over books, however! Let me see… well, my sister and I recently saw "Les Miserables" at the movie theater, and there was one scene where I got all teared up and definitely ALMOST started crying. I think that's been the closest in a long time. Hmm…maybe the Doctor Who christmas special two years ago — the one that was like A Christmas Carol in space, lol. It was very touching, okay!

    1. LOL! I totally get crying at a tv show! Haha…I once cried at the final show of Fresh Prince of BelAir! And I definitely want to see Les Miserables!!!

  4. Hello, Nicole. As a horror writer I am, of course, too tough to cry… Oh, who am I kidding? A few books have brought me close to tears, but movies get me all the time. The Passion of the Christ gets me, the last scene in Possession, the last scene in Dragonfly, the last scene in Saving Private Ryan, the last scene in An Affair to Remember (notice a trend?).
    Thanks for asking. Oh, by the way, my wife and I just Les Miserables, too, and it was fabulous. Academy Awards for everyone! You've got to see it.
    Happy New Year!


    1. Ohhh see but you cry at the strong, manly movies! šŸ˜‰ And that's totally okay! šŸ™‚ And I definitely want to see Les Miserables!!!

  5. I cry a lot more than I used to at films, now I'm away from my brothers. Last night was crying at ET, even though I know he comes back. I can't remember the last book I cried at… I think I tend to avoid tear jerkers at the mo because of the last few years have been a bit rough. My husband and I balled our eyes out at Marley (film), because we thought we could do with cheering up. Worse film to watch for that reason – ever! Should come with a warning sticker: "do not watch if any family member is suffering with life threatening illness."

  6. The Book Thief (which is the best audio book I've ever listened to – EVER) and for movies The Notebook (never read the book – I can't hardly watch the movie!!)

  7. If you cried at that movie, watch "Terms of Endearment"!!!!

    Shirley McLaine and Debra Winger made a perfect match for mother/daughter movie.

    1. Yes!! Exactly!!! I've totally cried at that movie!!!! Especially that scene where Shirley McClaine is in the hospital and she is saying, "Give my daughter the shot!" So good acting.

  8. Hello Nicole, There are two movies that come to my mind first that give me a leaky ere are "Titanic" with Leonardo Decaprio and Kate Winslet and "Some Kind Of Wonderful" Starring: Lea Thompson, Mary Stuart Masterson, and Eric Stoltz.

  9. Both the book and film is 'Empire of the Sun' which tells how a boy was separated from his parents and spent four years in a Japanese labour camp. The film directed by Spielberg and starring a young Christian Bale is very good but as ever the book is better.

    1. Yes!!! Kramer versus Kramer. Especially when Dustin Hoffman tells his little boy he won't be living together with him anymore!!

  10. Except for "My Fair Lady," I get pretty sappy over musicals. "Les Miz" had me balling towards the end. "Phantom of the Opera" always gets me within the last 5 minutes. I think the only time I cried reading a book, aside from "Marley & Me" (which I have no plans on revisiting for that reason alone), was the first "Harry Potter"… I completely forgot, by the time I caved in and decided to read it, his parents got killed. But it was thanks to that specific moment that I was hooked on a series that made me a reader again šŸ˜›

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