What Did I Tell You About that Type of Language?


“Yes, Roy?”

“I think dinner might be ready. I can already smell the chicken burning.”

“You’re such a good boy, Roy. And Roy?”

“Yes, grandmother?”

“Did you remember to stuff it with fertilizer like I said?”

“I did grandmother. Sure makes the apartment smell like shi-“

“Roy! What did I tell you about using that type of language?”

“I know, grandmother. I’m sorry.”

“Now, Roy, go get a fork and plate. It’s time we serve our neighbor dinner.”

“Yes, grandmother.   Think it’ll be safe for him to eat grandmother?”

“Sure, it will Roy. And maybe after he’s finished, he will think twice about playing that saxophone at all hours of the evening.”

“He sure is a shi-I mean darn-awful player, grandmother. Someone ought to tell him.”

“We will dear. We will.”

Now it’s your turn! Let me know what you think they might be saying instead in the comments below!

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