You know how it is with writing…sometimes you just have to write when the inspiration strikes. Sometimes it’s the most impossible place to actually write, but you write anyways.

And now, out of sheer morbid curiosity, I have finally asked the question –

Where is the weirdest place you’ve written?

The Bathroom

writing in the bathroom, writing sites
Really, I mean, we’ve all had to do this right? An idea strikes and like I said…when the inspiration is there, you just have to go with it. And you know what? A lot of you feel the same way:

@geek_oclock – the loo

Anonymous: In the bathroom. And no. Don’t credit me. Just call me ‘too embarrassed to give my name.’ 

 Shoen at said, “I’ve written in my bathroom, but as a kid the only place whre good ideas would come was underneath my dad’s work bench. I wrote some of my proudest stuff underneath there…must’ve been the fumes.” 

RandiRockstar from said, “I’ve written a few of my songs in the bathtub. I would start thinking, and something would come to me so I would call for my boyfriend to bring my book. As for writing, it’s usually done from my bed or couch!” 

Alisia from the Writer’s Digest Community said, “On the toilet.” 

On the Move

writing in the car, writing in the bus,

Yet another inevitable place you will find us writers writing? While we’re on the move! And that means a lot of different things to a lot of people.

rchhomework from said, “‘I got on a writing trip while waiting an hour and 15 minutes at a bus station downtown. The place was was crawling with street people, and it gave me a ton of strange ideas. Honestly, sitting there, and writing on a little pad of note paper, while overhearing snippets of very odd conversations, and completely out of my little comfort zone bubble thing, was an experience I wouldn’t mind going back to. It was, perhaps, the strangest little piece I’ve ever written. It was stolen the first day of tutoring in the math lab, when someone walked off with my binder.”

On my blog’s Facebook page, Terry said: In my car. I was driving along and I finally worked out a scene that been giving me issues for awhile. I pulled over and jotted down the new version of the scene. That right there is why I always carry a small notebook now. That day I was frantically looking for paper before I lost everything that had just occurred to me.

 …And then those other places.

weird places to write, where writers write

These are the people who have a category of their own when it comes to being inspired…

 Another anonymous person said, “In my hall closet.”

 Eneh Akpan of the Writer’s Digest Community said, “The mind of one of my characters. It’s like spying, especially if you make the said character believable enough and if s/he is going through some sort of mental cycle. It’s chillingly weird. The Mind is the strangest PLACE, for me.”

Maria at my blog’s Facebook page said, “I’m trying to think…. does a BBQ party count? Failing that… in the car whilst waiting for my husband to finish his shift.”

And Liisi at my blog’s Facebook page also said, “On a trampoline or under the table…”

Alright writers, tell me your story this time! Where is the weirdest place you’ve written? 

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12 thoughts on “Weirdest Place You’ve Written

  1. The bathroom is one of my strangest places. I have taken my mini recorder in there, or a notebook. And sometimes my best inspiration has been while taking a bath (you thought I was going to say something else, didn't you?)

    I bring writing material when on vacation ALWAYS!

    While driving transit bus I've had chances to jot something down while parked somewhere.

  2. At my computer, when I sit down to write. Wild and crazy, I know, but that's the secret to the trade – writing when you're supposed to.

    My experience is that when inspiration strikes and ideas come to mind, if they're truly worth it they'll stick. If not, then I've saved myself the trouble of getting caught up in writing a book that just isn't going to work.

  3. At my computer, when I sit down to write. Wild and crazy, I know, but that's the secret to the trade – writing when you're supposed to.

    My experience is that when inspiration strikes and ideas come to mind, if they're truly worth it they'll stick. If not, then I've saved myself the trouble of getting caught up in writing a book that just isn't going to work.

  4. With the iPhone, I've taken notes for story ideas walking behind my family in the store, in the bathroom or as a passenger in the car. I'm old enough to realize ā€” I'll forget if I don't write it down. Love all the responses.

  5. Wow, I've definitely never written in the bathroom. The weirdest place I've done it is on the bus, with my phone. It isn't that weird though. I think the next weirdest place I'm going to write is in line to see The Hunger Games. It's the perfect opportunity. šŸ˜‰

  6. Haha! I like seeing my name up there! Can you make it a link back to my page, Your blog is engrossing. I'm already heading to read more. I'm following you to, because there's a lot here I'm enjoying. And, sometimes I can't put my laptop down and it's time to go lol!!

  7. In a fridge!

    When I worked in a supermarket stacking shelves (I worked in the chiller sections) – I used to have a pen hung around my neck and a pad in my pocket. The walk in storage fridge was the best place to go to jot something down quickly.

  8. I don't really have a weird place to write, but occasionally I will write while travelling in a car or by plane. When inspiration strikes, you just have to write it down!

  9. In the pub. On the bus. Standing at the bus stop. In bed with my brain half asleep. Unfortunately my brain seems to enjoy coming up with ideas most when it's not practical to dig out a notebook – swimming or showering, trying to go to sleep, on the train, in a cinema just before the film starts. Etc.

  10. In a car. I normally park in an empty parking lot area. I sit with my laptop on my lap, either in the back seat or front seat. There are no wireless opportunities available to distract me. I'm in an enclosed space. If it's cold, I'm terrible and leave the car and heating on, so it's comfortable but I drain battery. But usually during the summertime, the weather is nice and I just crack the windows open. I'm able to concentrate. It just works.

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