Podcasters, if you are looking for guests for your podcast, I’d love to help. I currently have a podcast booking service, where I pitch people to appear on podcasts. I’m connected to people from all walks of life and expertise. I am also a freelance writer for a variety of major outlets and have connections to many people in public relations who have clients that want to be on podcasts.
So, I’d love to help you find a guest for your podcast. I’d love to bridge the gap between those who want to be on podcasts to those who have a podcast. This is perfect if you have a specific need, tired of fielding guest requests that aren’t a good fit, or you want ongoing support for finding guests.
Best of all, this is a free service I offer to any and all podcasters. I don’t make any guarantees, but I want to offer this service simply as a way to help people (and I hope I can!).
Want to be on a show yourself? Find out how you can become a guest! I offer a discounted rate for podcasters in exchange for a shout out on your show. Just let me know when you send me a request!
Simply fill out the form below and let me know the type of guest you want on your show. Have questions or the form isn’t working? Let me know ASAP by sending me an email at npyles86@gmail.com.