Ho Chi Minh Sky
Something about an empty freeway gives me this eerie apocalyptic feeling that I just can’t shake. When I was much younger, between the ages of 8 and 12 I’d say, a freeway opened up by my house. I grew up in the Bay Area and to think of a time where a freeway wasn’t needed is almost impossible to even fathom. But I remember the day before it opened and they let people walk up and down the freeway for about a mile by the entrances. There was even a bookmobile to go visit. 
For some reason when I recall this, I think of how exciting that must have been for me at that age. 
And yet still…
…I can’t shake the spooky feeling of isolation and emptiness that comes around when I think of that empty highway.
I’m not sure why…

The Bates Motel



So what gives you the shivers? Write about a image or scene that gives you chills when you dwell on it long enough. Share your story, poem, or blog post in the comments or the link up below.

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12 thoughts on “Walking on the Freeway

  1. That is an eerie picture. The combination of an empty section of road and the dark, forbidding clouds make it forboding.

    Nice job.

  2. Shadows that move in the night creep me out, even if I know what's causing them. I get that 'movement out of the corner of my eye' feeling, like I should be more observant than I am being and it just becomes unsettling.

    Is it just the freeways that freak you out or any road that's empty? Empty roads don't bother me, but I live just outside the middle of nowhere. I'm wondering if it's a country / city thing.

    1. Yah they don't bother me all the time, but just a road that's usually really crowded that is suddenly empty really freaks me out!

      I'm with you on the shadow thing – that ALWAYS creeps me out.

  3. I often drive across Florida in the middle of the night and I love empty stretches of road. Eerie, yes, but mine, all mine.

  4. Cockroaches give me the shivers. I wrote about them before, but it never got put into a blog post. I might have to consider that! Thanks for the idea.

    I picked you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Come over and get it.

  5. Empty back road, at night, with cornfields on either side. I gotta wear a pair of Depends when I drive into the country.

  6. I don't mind a few stretches of empty highway here and there but during the day light hours. 😉

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