Two Books to Read if You Are a Dog or Cat Person

When I received this book to review, I was immediately drawn towards this wonderful story about Darby, an adopted dog who finds his home with Martha Steward and her family. I was especially interested because my mom’s boss trains guide dog puppies and brings them into work. So, often times when my mom comes home she will bring home wonderful and adorable stories of the dog at work (the latest one is named Ruffle, by the way!)

And so being able to read a close account of the life of this particular dog was a joy to me. And I must tell you…

Anytime a book makes me cry, it’s a good sign. As another reviewer put it on, I felt like I was part of the family. I felt like I knew Darby and could reach inside the pages and pet him myself. And this definitely makes me want to go out and adopt a dog.

 considered a “gentle” chapter book and Martha does a wonderful job of showing Darby’s personality in every heartwarming page about him. My only wish was for their to be more pictures.

The next book in the series is about Bangle Bear the Cat. While I’m a dog person, I also love cats. There is one in my neighborhood right now that sort of “adopted the block.” I’ll catch her batting at the mice (trust me, it’s not something I like to acknowledge that there is MICE in my neighborhood, but there we have it), torment the birds (there must be a reason these birds SCREECH at all hours), and find unique places to perch herself like at the edge banister that is only a few inches wide.

Anyways…Bangle Bear’s personality is just as unique, much like any cat. And I love Martha Steward’s description of Bangle Bear’s “second meal” and insistence at sleeping with a particular family member. 

Just like the story about Darby, Martha has a wonderful way of giving voices and personalities to pet’s and if you have a child just being introduced to the idea of a pet in the family, these books are a fantastic way of drawing your child in to adoring the pet. Not to mention, if you just love reading adorable stories of a pet and it’s family, you will want to read these. 

Check out the book “Bangle Bear – The Tale of a Tailless Cat” on or check out Darby’s Story on Make sure to check out Martha Steward’s website and Twitter account.

And I’m proud to share with you the video trailer for Darby’s Story!

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary copy of these two books in exchange for my review. My opinions are all my own. I also included Amazon Affiliate links in this post.

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4 thoughts on “Two Books to Read if You Are a Dog or Cat Person

  1. What a great review! Our current puppy has just figured out what the pool is for and now she's become addicted to swimming laps. She also watches TV with us in the evening and goes a bit crazy when she sees another dog on the TV screen. She's definitely one of our most interesting dogs so far!
    Congratulations on a great review for a great book!

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