Twitter Party Announcement – Saying Goodbye Book Launch (with @JenniferLOtt)

I am happy to announce that I will celebrating the Jennifer Ott’s popular romantic series, “Saying Goodbye,” as written under her pen name Mahima Martel. I am so excited to talk to her about this book and I hope you join with me September 5th at 2pm PST!

The Details:

When: September 5th at 2pm PST
Where: Join us to chat with author Jennifer Ott on Twitter using hashtag #SayingGoodbye. Make sure you follow me @BeingTheWriter and Jennifer Ott @JenniferLOtt so you don’t miss out!
What: We’ll be discussing her popular two part book series called, “Saying Goodbye.” Check out the book blurb below –

As a social storm brewed across the Atlantic in 1964, vivacious and rebellious Hollywood starlet Frankie Robinson had no expectations when she met dark and introspective Alex Rowley, guitarist for one of the hottest English bands – The Dark Knights. 

For an eager young couple, neither Frankie nor Alex anticipates the scandal their public relationship will cause—reputations must be protected and images need to be maintained. As Frankie and Alex dream of a life together, agents and managers worry of the monies lost and the dangers to their perspective clients. Frankie and Alex are to be kept apart no matter what tragic cost. Behind the closed curtains of celebrity life, Frank and Alex find a way to keep their private love alive despite all obstacles. 

After a tragic event in which agents and parents keep them apart, Frankie and Alex maintain a long distance love affair throughout the turbulent Sixties, Separated, their love breeds strength to overcome obstacles that once held them down. Individually, they blossom creatively and their talents soar to new heights. Within the secrecy of their relationship, they learn greater lessons of love, lessons not defined by society, but by the heart and the soul.

Read more on Jennifer Ott’s website. 

Why?: Aside from the fact that Jennifer Ott is really interesting and fun to chat with, you can also win prizes by joining in the fun! Here’s what you can win:

$5.00 Amazon Gift Card
$5.00 Starbucks Gift Card
One of two coffee mugs.
A copy of the ebook “A Soul to Shine.”

Make sure you RSVP below (you only need to do so once) and share the party details with your Twitter peeps! If you can’t wait for the party to get started on this incredible series, purchase your copy of the book “Saying Goodbye” on today. 

If you are having trouble seeing the form below, RSVP here.

I have been compensated to host this party. I am not elligible for prizes.

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9 thoughts on “Twitter Party Announcement – Saying Goodbye Book Launch (with @JenniferLOtt)

    1. Hi Cher. It may be a little too much for teens. I'd say the age would be for at least 17-18. There is some sex and drugs in the book.

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