Twitter Party Announcement – Angels #AngelsEverywhere by Michelle Beber #AmReading

If you have you a child in your life, you will want to gift them this charming book called, “Angels, Angels, Everywhere” by Michelle Beber. Here’s what it’s about (obtained from author website): 
“Angels, Angels, Everywhere is a non-denominational, multiracial book written in delightful rhythm and rhyme and accompanied by charming illustrations done by Susan Shorter. The themes are constant support and unconditional love. This book teaches children how angels can help them in their everyday lives and empowers them with faith.” obtained from
And I get to take part in the celebration of the launch of this book, because we will be having a Twitter party on July 11th! This will be a lot of fun and you and I will have the chance to talk to the author about her new book. 
PLUS, you will have the chance to win prizes. What will you win if you participate?
One of three $10 Amazon Gift Cards.
One of three Angel car charms (pictured below)
And there will be one door prize awarded to a random participant. The door prize is an Angel figurine called, “The Angel of Love.”
Angel of Love Door Prize
Angel Rearview Mirror Charm
Aren’t they pretty?? Well I’m excited for you to join me with Michelle and I can’t wait to hear her talk about her book and her experience creating it. Again, the #AngelsEverywhere Twitter Party will be happening on Saturday, July 11th at 2 pm Pacific Time.
In order to win prizes, please fill out the RSVP form I have linked here (and also it’s embedded below, but click this link if you don’t see it). This is what I use to award prizes (and check to see who is participating). You only need to RSVP once. And please tell your friends, the more people who join, the better! By the way, as you promote and talk about the upcoming party, use the hashtag #AngelsEverywhere
Make sure you take a look at Michelle Beber’s website to find out more about her book. Also you must follow Michelle @bebermichelle and myself @BeingTheWriter. Also, make sure you check out Amazon to find out how you can purchase your own copy of the book Angels, Angels, Everywhere.

I have been compensated to host this Twitter party. I am not eligible for prizes.

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16 thoughts on “Twitter Party Announcement – Angels #AngelsEverywhere by Michelle Beber #AmReading

  1. In a world where it can be hard to find the good, a book like this would be great. I agree that angels are everywhere, sometimes we just have to look really hard.

  2. I love everything to do with angels and have a wonderful collection. I would like the Angel car charms.
    twinkle a optonline dot net

  3. Wow, I sure missed this! Sounds like it would have been a great party! I love all things angels. Love the idea that we have guardians.

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