Twitter Chat with Networking Expert Gail Tolstoi-Miller (And Win Prizes!) #NetworkingKarma

I am so excited for this next Twitter Party coming up, because I have to say I’m not the best at things like networking and I could use the help. Gail Tolstoi-Miller has come out with this amazing new book to help people improve their networking skills! Here’s a bit about Networking Karma (you can read the full blurb on Amazon!

Are you Awkward? Uncertain? Even jittery at networking events?

Author Gail Tolstoi Miller, an award-winning entrepreneur and successful CEO, feels your pain. In fact, she spent years experiencing the same emotions when networking. An avowed introvert, Gail discovered a powerful and universal law of connecting, she calls Networking Karma. And when she embraced it, Gail put those anxious, apprehensive interactions behind her to become a career coach and owner of a networking event planning company.

Now, Tolstoi-Miller shares her secrets with you in her new book, Networking Karma.

If you are trying desperately to get past the constant inadequacy you feel every time you try to attend a networking event, this book is for you!

Networking Karma is a mindful approach to living that asks you to consider each chance meeting and budding relationship as an opportunity to inform, assist, advocate or connect others. “Embracing this spirit of selflessness,” Tolstoi-Miller says, “is the key to building a professional and personal fan base; one that will ultimately return your kindness in unknown and awesome ways. “

Networking Karma proves that life is not “all about me.” In fact, Tolstoi-Miller reveals that the most successful networkers are on a constant mission of “giving.” Throughout this book, you will explore dozens of essential and specific Networking Karma to-do’s; powerful ideas you can implement immediately. Shared by some of today’s hottest thought leaders, speakers and business trailblazers, these proven tactics are absolutely essential to getting the edge you need to succeed in business and in life.

So I can’t wait to talk to Gail about her book and any tips that she can give to all of us about improving our networking skills! Here’s the information about the Twitter Party – 
What: We’ll be talking with networking expert Gail Tolstoi-Miller about her book Networking Karma and you’ll have the chance to ask her advice and get tips all about how you can improve your networking skills! Make sure you use hashtag #NetworkingKarma if you are joining in on the fun. 
When: Sunday, March 6th at 2pm PST (5 pm EST) 

Why Should You Join? Aside from the fact that you’ll have the chance to get networking tips from an award winning CEO and career coach, you’ll have the chance to win prizes! Here’s what you can win –

$10 Amazon Gift Card (1 Winner)

$10 Starbucks Gift Card (2 Winners)

$10 Barnes and Noble Gift Card (1 Winner)

And one lucky grand prize winner will get a $20 Amazon Gift Card.

So, if you want to join in make sure you RSVP below. All you need to do is provide me with your Twitter User Name, the link to your Twitter Account, and your email address. Make sure you follow me @BeingTheWriter and author Gail Tolstoi-Miller @gailtolstoimill  

Also, click this tweet to share with your followers so they can join in on the fun too –
Can’t wait for the party to improve your networking skills? Visit the NetworkingKarma website and purchase a copy of the book today!.
Here’s some disclaimers – 
 Winners to be announced throughout the Twitter Party. I am not responsible for shipping the prizes to the winner. Selections of winners are random and based on whether or not the participant has participated in Twitter party and include hashtag # in their tweets in response to questions asked of participants throughout the party. Prize winners will be announced throughout the Twitter Party and must follow necessary directions to claim prize.

Please only RSVP once. Multiple RSVPs will not increase chances to win prizes. I have been compensated to host this Twitter party. I am not eligible for prizes.

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3 thoughts on “Twitter Chat with Networking Expert Gail Tolstoi-Miller (And Win Prizes!) #NetworkingKarma

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