Try Gluten-Free Flax Seed Treats for the Holidays

I wanted to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas and as the New Year rolls around I know we’re all beginning to think about how we can make ourselves better and healthier and start the year on the right foot. So I wanted you to consider adding something tasty and amazing in your life that is gluten-free AND has flax seed. I really don’t think you can go wrong there, right?

I’ve had some of Flax4Life’s treats before and I see them regularly in the grocery store that I shop in but I had the chance to try some things that I never had before and they have topped the list of products that I can trust and enjoy that are gluten-free. That isn’t a very long list either, I might add!

They’ve been in business for over 14 years and everything started out for them when they realized an ill family member just wasn’t getting better no matter what the doctor’s tried. When they discovered they had Celiac Disease, everything changed for them. And Flax4Life and their gluten-free treats were born! Although I don’t have Celiac Disease, I do have a gluten allergy so I can appreciate any company that knows the experiences of people who can’t have gluten. Read more about their story by visiting their about page.

I had the chance to try out their mini flax muffins in both chocolate brownie and cappuccino brownie flavor. I also tried their chocolate muffins and blueberry muffins. I also tried their original sandwich buns and lastly I had the chance to try out their cranberry orange granola. So many variety of things to try! I was so excited!

Their chocolate brownie and cappuccino brownie mini muffins were so rich tasting. I loved the gentle coffee taste of the cappuccino muffins and both were superb after being in the fridge for a while. I could just see these as a dessert with vanilla ice cream. Honestly these were my favorite and if you have the chance to try out these mini muffins, I highly recommend them.

I’ve had their muffins before and I find they taste the best if they were heated up in the microwave for about a minute or so and topped with butter. They make such a wholesome treat for the morning. They are okay not heated but I liked the taste better when they were warmed.

Their original sandwich buns were all right but I found they DEFINITELY needed to be toasted otherwise they sort of fell apart. But they had a mild sweet flavor and I really enjoyed these once they were toasted right.

The cranberry orange granola was also really good. I loved the mild orange flavor and it went so well with my pumpkin yogurt. This comes highly recommended and I really think you should try these.

Overall, I love the Flax4Life brand and I highly recommend their foods. It’s high quality, tastes great AND it’s gluten-free. Make sure you check out everything they have to offer by visiting their web page. Also like them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

I received the above items in exchange for my honest review.

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