Three Things on a Saturday Night With Glenda Carroll

Three Things on a Saturday Night is back! I’m happy to relaunch this series on my blog today. I thought I’d bring it over to Substack, yet it didn’t motivate me there as much as it does here. Today, we have author Glenda Carroll. I recently read her incredible Bay Area-based mystery DEAD CODE. Go by and check out my review, then come on back her for Glenda’s recommendations for your Saturday night!

Take it away Glenda!

Movie Choice: Civil War (2024)

Once, I walked into a secondhand store and noticed a small, battered typewriter in its own soft case. According to the store owner, this typewriter was used on the battlefields of World War II, and it had its own story to tell. Of course, I had to buy it.  Recently, I saw the movie Civil War, a dystopian story about a future war between the States. The protagonists are photographers and journalists in these very realistic war zones. They live for the perfect photo or the precise quote. Their equipment is much more modern than my old typewriter. But the nerve these journalists show is the same in every decade. A captivating movie.

Book: Solito by Javier Zamora

I’m currently reading Solito by Javier Zamora.  It’s the true story of Javier’s migration from El Salvador to San Rafael, CA, to live with his mother and father. Written from the perspective of a nine-year-old boy, Solito takes you along on his voyage with people he has never met before, a coyote, and other Central American immigrants. Tenderness, beauty, determination, and fear keep the little boy moving forward, one step at a time, to his parents in La USA. Excellent and moving book.

Wild Card: The Calm App

It’s time to unwind. Stop the scrolling, the compulsive phone checking and take a big breath. I’m talking about the deep breaths used in meditation. In a frenzy? Breathe in for the count of six, hold for the count of four, and breathe out for the count of eight. Do it again and again and again. If it’s hard to stay engaged, try a meditation app. There’s plenty around. I use Calm and look forward to the stories that lead into a six or seven-minute meditation.  My only problem is if I meditate at night, I normally fall asleep before it’s over. But it’s a very nice way to fall asleep. Sweet dreams.

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