The Winemaker Detective Series – Chat w/Translator Anne Trager

I am so excited to announce a fun Twitter party coming up soon. We’ll be chatting with one of the translators, Anne Trager, about her involvement in the popular French detective series, The Winemaker Detective.

Here’s what this series is about –

An immersion in French countryside, gourmet attitude, and light-hearted mystery. Two amateur sleuths gumshoe around French wine country, where money, deceit, jealousy, inheritance and greed are all the ingredients needed for crime. Master winemaker Benjamin Cooker and his sidekick Virgile Lanssien solve mysteries in vineyards with a dose of Epicurean enjoyment of fine food and beverage. Each story in this three-book omnibus is a homage to wine and winemakers, as well as a mystery.

Here’s what you need to know –

What? We’ll be chatting with translator Anne Trager about her work with this amazing French detective series, which is now being made into a TV series!

When? The Twitter Party will be on February 21st at 12pm PST. Make sure you use hashtag #LeFrenchBook in your tweets.

Why Should You Join? You will gave the chance to win eBooks from the series and one lucky winner will receive the grand prize of a print copy of the Omnibus, which includes the first three books!

How to Join? It’s simple. Leave a comment listing your Twitter username and make sure you follow me @BeingTheWriter and Anne Trager at @lefrenchbook. Then click the below tweet to let your followers know you’ll be joining us, so they can join too!

Join me Sunday, 2/21 at 12pm PST to chat w/ Anne Trager @lefrenchbook about the #lefrenchbook series! RSVP today

Check out the Winemaker Detective series website for details about the book and check them out on Facebook, Again, the party will be on February 21st at 12pm PST and we’ll be using hashtag #LeFrenchBook.

Here’s some disclaimers –

Winners to be announced throughout the Twitter Party. I am not responsible for shipping the prizes to the winner. Selections of winners are random and based on whether or not the participant has participated in Twitter party and include hashtag # in their tweets in response to questions asked of participants throughout the party. Prize winners will be announced throughout the Twitter Party and must follow necessary directions to claim prize.

Please only RSVP once. Multiple RSVPs will not increase chances to win prizes. I have been compensated to host this Twitter party. I am not eligible for prizes.

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14 thoughts on “The Winemaker Detective Series – Chat w/Translator Anne Trager

  1. RSVP @SassTheCouponer This truly sounds like a great series to learn more about and interact with your followers. I look forward to the chat. Tweet with you soon.

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