The Little Paris Bookshop – Book Review #AmReading

I wanted to like this book a lot. I mean when I saw the words “Paris” and “Bookshop” and then I read what the book was about, I really REALLY wanted to like it.

Before we delve into things, here’s what the book was about –

Monsieur Perdu can prescribe the perfect book for a broken heart. But can he fix his own?
Monsieur Perdu calls himself a literary apothecary. From his floating bookstore in a barge on the Seine, he prescribes novels for the hardships of life. Using his intuitive feel for the exact book a reader needs, Perdu mends broken hearts and souls. The only person he can’t seem to heal through literature is himself; he’s still haunted by heartbreak after his great love disappeared. She left him with only a letter, which he has never opened.

After Perdu is finally tempted to read the letter, he hauls anchor and departs on a mission to the south of France, hoping to make peace with his loss and discover the end of the story. Joined by a bestselling but blocked author and a lovelorn Italian chef, Perdu travels along the country’s rivers, dispensing his wisdom and his books, showing that the literary world can take the human soul on a journey to heal itself.

Internationally bestselling and filled with warmth and adventure, The Little Paris Bookshop is a love letter to books, meant for anyone who believes in the power of stories to shape people’s lives.

First I could tell this was a translation and it made me wonder if I could appreciate the original text better.

Although I liked the idea of Monsieur Perdu’s bookshop boat where he cures what ails those who come aboard, I didn’t like the character. I’m not too keen on the fact that this character kind of wallows a bit in self-pity. It’s a tad annoying. He barely can stand touch from others, and will not let anyone in. I can understand that, of course. But still, the emotion he expresses throughout the book – up until the point I had to stop – didn’t draw me closer to him. He pushed away those around him as well as the reader it seems.

Of all the characters I did enjoy, I actually preferred the annoying blocked writer who joins Jean Perdu’s trip – much to Perdu’s dismay – named Max Jordan. He was the comic relief this book needed and I enjoyed all the scenes he was in.

But tragically the plot didn’t captivate me, and about a quarter of the way through the book I couldn’t imagine continuing on. I really didn’t understand the purpose of Perdu’s journey either. I didn’t know what he was looking for in his trip on his bookshop boat!

There were a few perks to reading though. Throughout the book were actual references to pieces of literature (through the recommendations that Monsieur Perdu gives his customers) and I kept track of them throughout my time reading the book. I didn’t get them all, but I caught some that I listed onto my GoodReads to-read list.

But unfortunately the Little Paris Bookshop fell short with me. I wasn’t interested and not really all that connected to the characters or their journey.

I have to admit though, it was an adorable idea, and it did get some great reviews. So try it! Maybe you will enjoy it!

For fun, visit this link and try out the little tool that recommends books based on your mood. Find out more details about the author by visiting her website here. Purchase your copy of The Little Paris Bookshop by visiting this link.

 I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review

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19 thoughts on “The Little Paris Bookshop – Book Review #AmReading

  1. Thanks for the review. I also thought this book sounded good but now am having my doubts. I might try a sample on my kindle and see. I love that feature of kindle. It has saved me some money.

  2. I love the title too. After reading your review, this is just not my kind of story. It sounds a bit boring to me. Thanks for the review.

  3. Great review! I have already added this book to my Amazon wish list. I am hoping to read this book soon.

  4. I am hoping to read this book soon. I have already added it to my Amazon wish list. This was a good review.

  5. it sounds intriguing….I might just give it a try. I never know what I will end up finding interesting

  6. Hmm, it does sound like a great idea. I like the idea. But I also know how irritating it can be to read about a character that really annoys, lol. (I might be like, "Why didn't he just open the dang letter???")

  7. I hope you will keep in submitting new articles or blog posts & thank you for sharing your great experience among us.

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