So, many of you probably have seen this if you are following me on Google Plus, Facebook, or Twitter, but I decided to brag a little bit at my craft prowess-ness.

For a long time, way before I had this blog, I loved making collages. I am a subscriber to Glamour and cut out various photos and words from the magazine to keep and use for collages. I’ve got quite a collection and I am working on something a bit larger scale (at least for me).

There is also a larger point to this that I want to add once I show off, so stay with me…

And I am proud to present to you, my “World” Collage –

And in case you were going to ask, yes, I cut and pasted all of those eyes.

These are the eyes I collected from my magazine. I then cut out the continents and pasted the eyes in their place.

There will be a part two because I am going to add lips to the water. There is a white board to the poster board and there I will add words.

I did a smaller version of this about the size of a binder page and I had a creative writing instructor compliment me on it, saying, “You’re an artist!” *blush* Aww shucks.

And she said to the class, “This is art, everyone. And this is writing too. Did this take you long?”

Oh yes, I said at the time.

“Writing is the same way. It takes time.”

And she was just talking about an 8 1/2 by 11 sized collage. The collage I just made (photo’d above) – poster board sized – took me much more time and energy. But I loved every second of this. And if you are like me and bemoaning how long your current novel is taking you while it seems that everyone is publishing books and short stories like no tomorrow, consider that writing is art. And art and writing take time. And that’s okay.

Meanwhile, I will definitely update you once the lips are added! 

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10 thoughts on “Showing Off My Crafty Side

    1. Wouldn't that be cool????? If I had some way of adding that effect, I would have totally done that. 🙂

  1. I love collages! I don't know what inspired you to use eyes to cover the continents, but it seems poetic and it is definitely art!

    Writing takes lots of time! Writing, rewriting, editing, writing some more…. Sometimes, I think it can be the most challenging of the arts (but that's just my opinion).

    P.S. Eyes of the World (it's a Grateful Dead song).

    1. I think so too! Writing is one of the toughest because you are relying on words to provoke JUST the right imagery. And it's a challenge to make sure the reader sees what you see.

      And I am SO looking up that song.

  2. Very interesting! You have so many talents! I like the pic, but all those eyes are just a bit creepy! I like the way you designed the pic. Very creative! Take care and thanks for sharing!

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