Review of It Gets Easier!…And Other Lies We Tell New Mothers

While I’m not a mom (or a mom-to-be), I thought this was an inspiring idea for a book that I wanted to share with you all. It Gets Easier!…And Other Lies We Tell New Mothers by Claudine Wolk is a must-read (or must-listen) you don’t want to miss. Today, I’m excited that Michelle Cornish will be sharing her thoughts. Before we get to her review, here’s a bit about the book:

Every new mom learns pretty quickly how difficult new motherhood is but also that nobody tells the truth about it. Author and narrator Claudine Wolk learned the same lesson after her son was born but decided to speak the truth about motherhood with humorous insight and reality-based suggestions. A few crucial tips can make motherhood a bit more controllable and a lot more enjoyable.

Michelle’s review:

It Gets Easier! . . . and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers is an invaluable resource for new and expecting moms. Written with a healthy mix of humor, honesty, and practical strategies, the book provides an honest look at what to expect when you become a parent for the first (or even the third) time. 

Claudine Wolk draws on her personal experiences of motherhood, as well as interviews with other moms, to provide a comprehensive guide that covers everything from talking with your partner before giving birth to the importance of a baby schedule and how to keep housework to a minimum.

Wolk’s advice is practical and relatable. It Gets Easier! is full of sage wisdom as well as humorous anecdotes, making it a great read for any new parent looking to find their footing in the world of parenting. She also provides resources for further exploration as well as a helpful glossary.
Overall, It Gets Easier! . . . and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers is a humorous and insightful guide for new parents that is packed with helpful tips and fun stories. If you’re expecting or already have a little one, this book will provide much-needed reassurance that you’re not alone in your journey as a parent. My favorite piece of advice is no matter how much you plan and prepare, expect that anything can (and will) happen!

Purchase a copy of the audiobook on Libro.fmAudible or You can also add the book to your reading list on

About the Author, Claudine Wolk

Claudine Wolk is a writer, radio talk show host, podcast host, and book marketing consultant. Her first book, It Gets Easier and Other Lies We Tell New Mothers has affectionately become “the perfect baby shower gift.” Claudine is working on her second non-fiction book aimed at helping writers who want to publish and market a book in the same fun, practical way as her first book. Claudine lives with her husband, Joe, in Bucks County, PA and has three grown children and a baby grandson. More at

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