Privacy Freedome Challenge – Be Invisible Online (And Win an iPad Mini)

Have you declared your freedome yet? Today, I want to challenge YOU to declaring your freedome online. Why am I spelling “freedom” that way? It’s because it’s the new app by F-Secure called the Freedome App. You can download it today and receive a 90-day free trial.

So far since downloading the app, I’ve seen so many things protected and it’s been such a safe feeling. I can’t wait for the next time I’m using public Wi-Fi, I will not have to worry about my online security. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about removing your existing security software. It runs right along side it.

Here’s how you can get Freedome for 90 days free (and I know you’ll be convinced to purchase it!). Just follow this link to download it and once installed, use the code:  qsf257.

Best of all, I am SO excited to announce that I get to giveaway an iPad Mini (16 GB Wifi) PLUS one year of Freedome.

Just use the Rafflecopter below and the giveaway ends on 2/27.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you declared your Freedome yet?

I received compensation for my work with F-Secure. All opinions are my own.

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269 thoughts on “Privacy Freedome Challenge – Be Invisible Online (And Win an iPad Mini)

  1. Changing your passwords regularly, only entering private info on secure and encrypted sites, avoiding sending emails with financial info, etc., are all good ways of helping protect your identity online.

    Geoff K
    gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

  2. Don't save your pass anywhere on your computer, change it often, and if possible use symbols in it along with the letters/numbers. Never click a link in an email that is reporting trouble to you (i.e. a supposed email saying your account somewhere is compromised or needs updated). Instead, go directly to the site (if you have an account there) by typing the address in your browser yourself. Then log in that way. Never use the link that is given to fill out personal info in these types of email. Lastly, before you post anything personal on social media, remember that once it's online, it's out there. It freaks me out when I see people posting their home numbers on FB to one particular friend but the posts are set for everyone to see the number. It's always better to be a little cautious than not at all.

  3. An important tip is to change your password often. I love the WiFi security with Freedome. I definitely have to try this product.

  4. I would suggest to get the best online antivirus and also stay away from weird websites you shouldn't be visiting in the first place.

  5. Change you password once a month, use a good internet security suite. Don't download anything from sites you don't know. Never use the same password for every site you have. never use names or birthdays. Never give you passwords out to anyone even if they claim to work for a site you're having problems with.

  6. I use complicated passwords – non words, letters, numbers and symbols. I can't believe that some people still use passwords like 123456.

  7. I try and limit the amount of personal data I actually share online with parties I just don't know. I frequently change passwords, keep different email accounts for business and pleasure, and always have updated security software. And I never trust an email.

  8. I don't store much information online and I always use impossibly complicated passwords, so complicated that I often forget them.

  9. Never click on a link you did not expect to receive. The golden rule. The main way criminals infect PCs with malware is by luring users to click on a link or open an attachment.

  10. I never open up any email I'm unfamiliar with, have a really good anti-virus program and never give out more personal information that necessary.

  11. The tip I have is to never store passwords and or private information online and I limit my shopping to trusted sites only!

  12. I am very careful about who I share my information with and also change my passwords pretty frequently. I also have virus and anti-malware protection on my pc. It seems like it is getting harder and harder to protect yourself.

  13. i change passwords frequently and they are super complicated! and i never use my real name online

  14. Protect your online passwords and strengthen them too and exclude important personal information from your social media profiles.

  15. I don't put a lot of personal information out online. I don't even have facebook so the thieves have to work a little harder to dig for my info

  16. I always verify the emails I get making sure they aren't scams or phising, one time I almost give out my paypal information on a fake paypal website 🙁

  17. make sure you keep your bank up to date on where you are. If you can prove you weren't some where when something was purchased your not liable

  18. I keep all of my profile's private and only accept people that I know as friends. I also use a variety of passwords but I make sure I change them every few months just to be on the safe side.

  19. I change my passwords frequently…I never let anyone use my personal computer. I also shred any papers that come in the mail that may have personal information on there.

  20. Use different passwords for each account online and make sure they are difficult to figure out. Thank you
    crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

  21. Don't post your address or phone number on social media. I belong to a local Facebook Yard Sale group and it always amazes me when people post that for the whole world to see

  22. Do not use the same password for everything. Never log onto important sites like banking, etc while not on a secured connection.

  23. My tips for protecting my online identity is use a secure network, change your passwords often, use anti virus protection, and never share computers with others.

  24. Do not give out your personal information to anyone whom you do not trust. Also, if you receive any email asking for sensitive information, call the institution directly and inquire if they sent it.

  25. Don't put any personal information online, like real name, address, etc. But that's easier said than done, as people live part of their lives online. If you don't want web sites to identify you, use Tor.

  26. Only enter info on secure sites. Don't enter private info when using public wifi without having protection. Don't save financial info on your computer and change passwords often.

    Melissa V

  27. Change your password often and don't make it easy like a date or ages.

    Samantha (samdaleo)

  28. Never click on a "click here" link in any email claiming to be from a bank or other secure site. Real banks never do that and the fake site is trying to get your password.

  29. My best tips would be to always clear your cookies and cache. Never save your passwords to a site and never share your passwords to anyone.

  30. Use a Debit Card NOT linked to any account, change passwords often, look to make sure the page is use encryption and a little common sense goes a long way.

  31. I never do any shopping or anything with account info while on a public network and only do it on my secured network

  32. Have complicated password that is changed frequently. Be wary of popups to download security software that isn't directly from your antivirus program.

  33. I do a lot of research on any site where I might have to enter any sensitive information as well has having a complicated password

  34. Make sure you change your passwords for all online accounts often,use firewall software to protect computer information,keep virus and spyware software programs updated.

  35. I try not to use too many devices outside of the home/work. I change my passwords often and don't open suspicious emails.

  36. Be very cautious about what websites you go to and what files you open and download.
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  37. One way is that I don't use public wifi to do any business, liking shopping or banking or anything where my personal information would be easily seen. 🙂

  38. My tip is never put your credit card linked to your bank account out there! Buy a prepaid card instead!

  39. I've started using VPNs, especially when using public networks. I'm always concerned about my online finances being compromised.

  40. We make new passwords frequently…and r share them. We use the most difficult passwords for things that involve payments and change those very frequently.
    Mary Beth Elderton

  41. always have different passwords and don't share them. i have anti-virus software that can detect keyloggers. also never post things you dont want known.

    danielle marie xdanimarie(at)yahoo(dot)com

  42. I use LastPass to manage all of my passwords and with some sites, I have used it to generate more secure 12-16 character passwords.

  43. Make sure that a website is secure before entering any personal information on it, make sure you have a good anti-virus, and keep passwords unique!

  44. One of the main things for protecting yourself and your computer is to make sure you have updated virus protection and also to change your passwords regularly. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  45. I change all my passwords weekly and do not log into anywhere on some one else's gadgets. i use privacy setting on all social medias!

  46. my advice would be to use a trusted Virus protection and to run scans and updates frequently, also i use an anti malware program and change my passwords often, I have also heard of using proxy servers for hiding your online presence.

  47. I keep the computer in a central location. The kids are kids are monitored when online. I change the password frequently and use different passwords for each site. I have a good virus protection, too.

  48. Use a combination of letters and numbers in your password. Do not go with a common word related to you like nicknames or pet names for your password that people can easily guess.

  49. Dont give your info to just any website. when making payments or giving personal info always make sure you're on a secure page. i.e. your web address starts with "https". And always, always always, use different passwords for any and all online account. That way should one of your "microsoft" account get hacked, the hackers don't just have access to your amazon, ebay and paypal account as well 😉

  50. Never open those stupid fake e-mails prentending to be from Fedex or UPS saying you missed a delivery & need to print out a receipt & take it to the office for pickup, because the real companies would never not leave a package if you weren't home.

  51. use complex passwords and change them frequently and watch what you do in public or at the library because someone could watch you enter your information and copy that. redrobin1191 at yahoo dot com

  52. One way to protect your online identity is to make sure your at a site that is real. A friend of mine was scammed and it cost her a lot of money. She had received an e-mail from "E-bay", and she gave them important information – long story short, it really wasn't "E-Bay" but a scam artist.

  53. I change my passwords weekly through monthly. I also never use my full name on posts. I always browse on a secure connection. I always call and place orders on websites but if I have to order online, I only enter my private information on secure and encrypted websites. I always keep my virus protection up to date and use a firewall. I clear my cache and delete tracking cookies often.
    Claudia davisesq212 at gmail dot com

  54. Be careful of what you share and with what site. Also, be sure to log off of websites when you're finished with them.

  55. I let my son take care of all that. I do know to not open email from anyone I don't know and since my google account was hacked last summer and $500 was taken from my checking account I now only use prepaid credit cards and I only have the amount I need on the card.

  56. I run a virus and privacy scan vulnerability at least once a day and i shut down my computer after i am done using it.

  57. I try and keep my passwords changed frequently and never save my passwords on my computer. I also use numbers and letters

  58. My only tip–like the others above–it to change online passwords often, and to complicate them so they aren't easily detected. I'm not a techie, so I rely on those who know lots more than I do about it.

    Thanks for a generous giveaway!

  59. Change passwords frequently using combinations of numbers, letters, special characters. Install a virus protector on your computer!

  60. I frequently change my password to something utterly obscure but still somehowl meaningful to me in some way that I can easily remember. I also never publish photos of myself that can be used successfully to identify myself in a conclusive way. Actual birthday info? Are you kidding? Generalities and vagueness are your friends.


  61. I use a good password manager that provides complex passwords for each individual site I access. Also clearing and setting restrictions on tracking software and cookies.

  62. I have a second email that I give out to websites I'm not sure of then I have a personal one for emails to friends and family.

  63. I use antivirus and malware protection. I clean my computer often and avoid giving out personal information unless i trust the website to be protected.

  64. Antivirus program, use different passwords for different sites, make them difficult, and change them regularly. And don't put your information OUT there, to begin with.

  65. I change my passwords frequently and don't store any personal information on the computer.

    brat52101 at yahoo dot com

  66. Thank You for the giveaway…I carefully screen my incoming email & never open unsolicited email messages.

    Rafflecopter: Bryan E.

  67. I try to use only secure websites. I also try to use only websites that are well known. I use tools/applications to help keep my information more secure. I also use browser tools that help identify websites with poor reputations and other issues

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