One Year Ending, Another Beginning: 2014 Reflections

I would say that 2014 has been a year of writing. Although I’ve been less active on my blog, I have written more creative work this year than any other year. It’s surprising too, because I have been under significant amount of stress, which usually leads me to writer’s block. That wasn’t the case this time.

What changed?

Who knows? A combination of maturity, discipline, and finding a niche all my own.

As I look ahead, I want 2015 to be the year of rewriting. I won’t set any resolutions (like I read on a blog recently, resolutions are for people who want to stop eating cookies), I will say that I want to revise the stories I’ve finished this year. At least a few. One would be nice actually.

For my blog, I’ll try to do better. Use it as the outlet I started it for.

If I don’t post again this week…here’s a somewhat perfect holiday message from my modest Instagram account –

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8 thoughts on “One Year Ending, Another Beginning: 2014 Reflections

  1. I hope you and yours had a great Christmas and that you thoroughly enjoy all the holiday season has to offer!! ������

  2. No resolutions, just intentions. let the Universe guide you (and your writing) and it will take you in the 'right' direction. Happy 2015!

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