(One Reason) Why My Mom and I Talk Southern Together

As I told you yesterday, I’m taking part in the 30 Day Photo Challenge and today’s prompt was your favorite childhood book. Now, this is one of many I consider my favorite, but I thought I would share this with you, because of it’s charming back story.

I really didn’t like being read to when I was little. My mom tells me that even before I could read I would tell her, “You read a page, and I’ll read a page.” (Even back then, I knew me and books had a thing.)

And so we would read like that together (even when it meant I didn’t know the words; my mom would just go along!)

What I loved about this book growing up is that there is a mother part and a daughter part!

This definitely satisfied me and we read this book constantly. I own it now and it’s in my memory box, but the idea of going into that thing to take a photo of this book is nearly impossible.

Not only does this story satisfy my need to read along with my mom, but this story had a southern tone to it. My mom is from the south and every now and then she’ll slip into a southern tone, like, “Guhl, what you be doin’?” Or I like saying, “That make no never mind!” Or we’ll both just slip into a conversation with our southern tone that usually can get so funny, so quick!

Well one day my mom asked, “Why do you think we adopted that so much?” I didn’t know at first and then I realized it was this book! I told my mom and she said that I was probably right. This book already appealed to our southern roots (my mom’s from Charleston, South Carolina) and we adopted that into our daily lives. How cool is that?

Have you ever had a book impact you like that? What is your favorite book from childhood?

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4 thoughts on “(One Reason) Why My Mom and I Talk Southern Together

  1. As a southern boy, I know that the dialect helps create memories. I married a southern woman to help keep that alive. šŸ˜€

  2. It's funny how we can look back at our favorite books and see a little of ourselves too. My favorite childhood books were "Where the Wild Things Are" and "Corduroy". Great books! Thanks for this trip down memory lane. šŸ™‚

    1. And those two books you mentioned have similar themes too! šŸ™‚ I loved those as well! The idea of animals and dolls coming to life thrilled me!!

  3. Here from the blog hop (and followeing!)
    i'd love for you to say hi over at: lavitaebella-elisabeth.blogspot.com

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