Of Dreams and Shadow by D.S. McKnight [Review]


We live.  We die.  Is there anything more?  Jenna Barton is about to find out.  After moving to the coastal North Carolina town of Parson’s Cove, Jenna has unwittingly stepped into the middle of a mystery involving a missing child.  Unfortunately, the predator is still on the loose and Jenna has become his new obsession.  With a little luck and a bit of paranormal help, Jenna might survive.

What I Thought

I thought this book was an engaging adventure. It may be more geared towards teenagers, but I was drawn into the drama going on at the high school and who liked who probably more than what was going on with the missing child that started out the story. The author really nailed the friendships in high school and the tragic way teens can treat each other sometimes. I did think there were a bit too many cliche’s used within the dialogue and at times I had trouble following the time shifts throughout the book. Overall, this is an exciting read and definitely worth the try.

About the Author

D.S. McKnight has enjoyed a varied career—from working as a radio DJ on a small AM station to serving as president and co-owner of a marina, until Hurricane Ophelia took aim at the Carolina coast.  Currently, she works at an insurance agency as well as hosting her blog – Novel Notions.  

It is her love of the North Carolina coast that fueled her desire to write.  Of Dreams and Shadow: Forget Me Not (book 1) is her first novel.  

You can visit the author’s website at:


Make sure to watch this trailer to get even more captivated by this fascinating tale!

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9 thoughts on “Of Dreams and Shadow by D.S. McKnight [Review]

  1. I like a good mystery! I'm writing one involving high schoolers too, so I'll have to check this one out. 🙂

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