News in History Get Ready for the Solar Eclipse January 22, 1925.

Anyone have plans to see the solar eclipse coming up next week? I actually am not, although I’m in driving distance to the path of totality. Sadly enough there’s news coming out that it may be cloudy that day in some parts of the state of Oregon. However, it may be too soon to tell.

I couldn’t resist looking into some old newspapers that talk about the solar eclipse. I caught this headline in the Lewiston Evening Journal of January 22, 1925.

The headline reads, “Get Ready for the Solar Eclipse.”

I also can’t help but notice that headline. “It all depends on the weather.”  I can’t help but think of the weather service tweet this morning:

That sure would disappoint a lot of people heading up to Oregon!

Curious how things turned out for the people of Lewiston?

Well, according to a headline on January 24, 1925, “Ideal Conditions for Watching Eclipse in Lewiston and Auburn.”

This crowd got a real treat!

Read these articles here and here.
Are you doing anything on the day of the eclipse? 

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9 thoughts on “News in History Get Ready for the Solar Eclipse January 22, 1925.

  1. I haven't even bothered looking at a forecast. It's an eight hour trip for my wife and me, but only an hour from where my mother-in-law lives, so we're going regardless. Even if it's cloudy, it'll be interesting to see things going dark in the middle of the day.

    1. I think so too! Half the reason I'm not going is that I have to work that day. Oh well maybe next eclipse! šŸ™‚

  2. Well, so far we've seen zero meteors even though they are out. I'm hoping for better luck with the eclipse.

    1. Yeah it's cloudy for me today and looks like it will be all week. Hopefully things will clear up by then!

  3. I will try and watch it with my kids. They are being sent home early from school for it. šŸ™‚

  4. It's at most a partial eclipse in Canada, so we won't see much of anything. There are sites holding events, such as our Aviation and Space Museum.

  5. I'm in Maine so we're only getting a partial eclipse according to the news. I'll be working but I'm sure I'll have a chance to check it out. I wonder if all the birds will get quiet…

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