My Review of My Favorite Season is Spring by Patrice Wilkerson

While I do not have children, I love children’s books! I had the chance to read My Favorite Season is Spring by Patrice Wilkerson, and I can’t wait to tell you about it!

First, here’s more about the book:

My Favorite Season is Spring is a beautifully illustrated picture book which every child will love. Through rhythm and rhyme, take a fun and exciting journey with little Susie as she describes her favorite season. She finds so many fun things to do and she loves the outdoors, and you will too! Great engaging teaching tool for children.

My review

What a charming book! I love the rhyming throughout the story and the beautiful imagery. Through this book, you can give your child ideas for things to do during the spring. Plus, it’s a way of showing appreciation and gratefulness for things that they can find about every season. It’s a short, but fun read that I highly recommend

Make sure to pick up your copy on Amazon. Make sure to also add it to your GoodReads reading list.

I’m also happy to be giving away a copy to one lucky reader! Enter via Rafflecopter below. US only please. Giveaway ends on August 27th.

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7 thoughts on “My Review of My Favorite Season is Spring by Patrice Wilkerson

  1. The cover is bright & fun & full of happiness! That’s the kind of book that would be perfect for my young niece & nephew!

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