My Review of Dancing Between the Raindrops

I’m taking part in another blog tour with WOW! Women on Writing. This time it’s with Dancing Between The Raindrops by Lisa Braxton. I can’t wait to tell you about it!

But first, here’s more about the book:

Dancing Between the Raindrops: A Daughter’s Reflections on Love and Loss, is a powerful meditation on grief, a deeply personal mosaic of a daughter’s remembrances of beautiful, challenging and heartbreaking moments of life with her family. It speaks to anyone who has lost a loved one and is trying to navigate the world without them while coming to terms with complicated emotions.

Lisa Braxton’s parents died within two years of each other—her mother from ovarian cancer, her father from prostate cancer. While caring for her mother she was stunned to find out that she, herself, had a life-threatening illness—breast cancer.

In this intimate, lyrical memoir-in-essays, Lisa Braxton takes us to the core of her loss and extends a lifeline of comfort to anyone who needs to be reminded that in their grief they are not alone.

My Review

What a book! There is so much to love about this, and it’s heartbreaking and eye-opening at the same time. The author takes us on a journey of losing her mom, her biggest cheerleader, and everything that rippled from that experience. She includes poetry, lyrical writing, and more to recount her experiences of her biggest loss and issues stemming from her relationship with her father. Then, she faces her own health problems and recounts all the scary and emotional feelings that come from that knowledge. And such is a journey of a life that Braxton shares with incredible writing, emotions, and imagery. I loved this book so much and I highly recommend you read it!

You can purchase a copy of the book on AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Make sure to add it to your Good Reads list.

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One thought on “My Review of Dancing Between the Raindrops

  1. This sounds like a powerful read, Nicole! I think many of our lives have been touched by cancer and grief. I popped by to say “Hi” for IWSG Day. May June be creative and fulfilling for you!

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