My Interviews With “The Writer’s Block” & Angelica Dawson’s Blog

Wow! You know if you guys keep on interviewing me you’re gonna make me feel that I’m relevant and important with something amazing to say! Heh heh…oh well, why deny the truth? (Kidding! Hee hee. Sort of.)

I was recently interviewed by the amazing blog The Writer’s Block, so I invite you to come on by and check it out.

Click this link to read the review!

I was also interviewed by Angelica Dawson who interviews blogger. I was really excited about this interview, because this is the first time anyone has asked me anything about blogging and my experiences with it.

Without much further ado, here is my interview with Angelica Dawson and my experiences blogging.

Click this link to read the interview!

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16 thoughts on “My Interviews With “The Writer’s Block” & Angelica Dawson’s Blog

    1. Thank you! I read your interview and loved it!! And I agree with you on writing being a muscle. It really is and it must be used, even if by a little bit each day! (I was going to comment on there, but it wouldn't let me!)

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